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Invalid Report: 76561198137642249 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Sinou, Mar 28, 2017.

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  1. Sinou

    Sinou New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] Steam Wallet fraud
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198137642249

    Victim profile: 76561198091062952

    What happened? Description:
    I was offered a certain amount of cash on my knife, 2 100$ steam wallet codes to be exact. His offer is on csgolounge.com (https://csgolounge.com/trade?t=233923044) As his profile was set up rather eloquently, I decided to go ahead and trust him, especially since he didn't seem to be a sketchy dude just trying to get my money. As it turns out, the codes he sent were either redeemed or flat out bullshit, as they were not redeemable. He blocked me instantly after this, and most of the commenters on his profile seem to be scammers or bots, so please do look into that as well.​

    Provide Evidence:
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Dienstag, 28. März 2017
    16:57 - Sinou: Heyo!
    16:57 - MK Killa: Hey man
    16:58 - MK Killa: I must have just missed you yesterday
    16:58 - Sinou: Probably
    16:58 - Sinou: You were interested in my balisong CH, right?
    16:59 - MK Killa: balisong?
    17:00 - Sinou: butterfly
    17:00 - Sinou: it's a bad habit of mine to call em that
    17:00 - MK Killa: That makes more sense now
    17:00 - MK Killa: lol
    17:03 - MK Killa: Sorry, another guy is messaging me
    17:03 - Sinou: i don't mind
    17:04 - MK Killa: Ok, so I posted because I am interested in buying your knife if you are willing to sell. I flip knives by buying lower tier ones then trading up with them to get better knives, sell for profit. Rinse repeat
    17:04 - MK Killa: Recently sold all of my keys and knives to start over again so I have money to work with, if you are interested we can agree on a price and go from there
    17:05 - Sinou: I wouldn't mind, but on your post on lounge you said something about +10% to the market price
    17:05 - MK Killa: https://gyazo.com/8e9a8780b09e9799466f3dae4129fcda
    17:05 - MK Killa: What im working with
    17:06 - MK Killa: Yes, I normally put that in to get bites from people. Normally people see "buy" and they have a red flag that goes off and they automatically think im scamming and no one adds me.
    17:06 - MK Killa: I can overpay by a bit thats fine by me as long as it is reasonable
    17:06 - MK Killa: When you sell on the market lets say an item worth 100 you only get 85-87 they take a cut
    17:06 - MK Killa: so I normally match market price because your actually going to recieve that amount
    17:07 - Sinou: It's less about market price in general rather than the CH pattern on my butterfly
    17:07 - MK Killa: so if your knife peaks at 100 I can do 102.5 throw in a key overpay so its worth while
    17:07 - Sinou: I believe there should be a metjm on my trade
    17:07 - MK Killa: Could you link it to me?
    17:07 - Sinou: checking it rn
    17:07 - MK Killa: I honestly just spam quickly, I don't inspect each knife individually
    17:07 - Sinou: http://s.metjm.net/y2vuaXy.jpg
    17:08 - MK Killa: Yea, thats a damn good lookin pattern
    17:09 - MK Killa: Sucks that anything under FT-MW with good patterns on case hardens are a pain in the ass to trade. I don't get why people are so picky
    17:09 - MK Killa: How much of an overpay were you looking to get?
    17:09 - MK Killa: I can understand why you want more, it would be well deserved\
    17:10 - Sinou: If it were in keys, around 25-30 keys overpay, I'd say
    17:10 - Sinou: around 1/3rd plus
    17:10 - MK Killa: How much do you value keys at though?
    17:10 - MK Killa: normally 2.2 in my eyes
    17:10 - MK Killa: ea key
    17:10 - Sinou: 2.3 á key
    17:10 - Sinou: yea
    17:11 - MK Killa: Average price of the knife alone is 120$ fair to say?
    17:11 - MK Killa: Then add on the overpay\
    17:11 - Sinou: aye
    17:11 - Sinou: Something around 180-200$
    17:11 - MK Killa: 185$ even i was going to say
    17:12 - Sinou: Sounds pretty reasonable
    17:12 - Sinou: One more thing
    17:12 - MK Killa: ye?
    17:12 - Sinou: I'd prefer either using OPskins or steam wallet codes
    17:13 - Sinou: haven't had good experiences with paypal and their chargeback function
    17:14 - MK Killa: Ok, I have never charged back before. Can check my steamrep if you havent already
    17:14 - Sinou: Already checked
    17:14 - MK Killa: I would'nt mind doing wallet codes but youd probably have to wait 5 mins or so for them to get delivered to my email after I buy them
    17:14 - Sinou: But still, iii'd rather not
    17:14 - Sinou: ofc, I don't mind
    17:15 - Sinou: with the extra hassle, I wouldn't mind subtracting 10 bucks or so anyways
    17:15 - MK Killa: Opskins, I'm not whitelisted. Something about sending my id and other credentials to that site doesnt sit easy with me
    17:15 - MK Killa: So im limited to how much I can add per month due to that
    17:15 - MK Killa: Gotta wait till april only have 8 bucks on my opskins wallet right now
    17:15 - Sinou: That sucks
    17:16 - MK Killa: The other thing with wallet codes though, they don't have one in 185 denomnation. they only sell them through paypal in 20-50- or 100 values
    17:16 - Sinou: Yeah, thats why I was saying choose a lower value that's the most convenient
    17:16 - MK Killa: So it would have to be 2 100 codes, which I dont mind if you could throw in something else to close that gap
    17:16 - MK Killa: Just be easier
    17:17 - Sinou: The AK neon rev? FT is around 25€ on the market
    17:17 - Sinou: + a few 1 key skins
    17:18 - Sinou: I could get to 200, yeah
    17:18 - MK Killa: That works with me
    17:18 - MK Killa: Just wanted to run that by you first to see if that was ok, lemme buy these codes gimme a sec
    17:19 - Sinou: hang on just one sec
    17:19 - MK Killa: https://gyazo.com/293b09762299cb213dd17ed818e6407c
    17:19 - MK Killa: Purchased
    17:20 - Sinou: oh well
    17:20 - MK Killa: ?
    17:20 - Sinou: i was about to ask
    17:20 - MK Killa: My bad
    17:20 - Sinou: whether you could buy em in €s
    17:20 - Sinou: but nevermind
    17:20 - MK Killa: I don't think thats an option I could have picked
    17:20 - Sinou: Alrighty then
    17:20 - MK Killa: They convert over to your native currency
    17:21 - MK Killa: https://gyazo.com/f170b0f7aed7a070c8ea9b7834178124
    17:21 - MK Killa: See theres no option to swap to euros
    17:21 - Sinou: oh well
    17:21 - Sinou: that's not much of a hassle, i don't really mind that much
    17:22 - Sinou: at least I'm meeting a rather trustworthy trader finally
    17:22 - MK Killa: It's hysterical the s✿✿✿ people say when you try to sell stuff
    17:23 - MK Killa: When ever I get around to selling keys mainly, I get these idiots "I'll buy your 10 keys for 25$ wallet code" And im thinking to myself they cant come in that amount only 20-50-100, so I play along.\
    17:23 - Sinou: hoo boy
    17:23 - MK Killa: Ask where they got the magically rare 25 code from because I've never seen one before in my life, tell them they should sell it on ebay because it is an obvious misprint
    17:24 - MK Killa: Got one email
    17:24 - MK Killa: Waiting for the other code
    17:24 - Sinou: Alrighty
    17:24 - Sinou: got my phone out, doing the trade offer right now
    17:24 - MK Killa: kk
    17:24 - Sinou: Waiting for a sign to accept
    17:25 - MK Killa: After the trade, do you mind leaving
    17:25 - Sinou: +rep? aye
    17:25 - MK Killa: +Rep on profile with brief description of trade, I'm going to add pics above comment after
    17:25 - MK Killa: Yea
    17:25 - Sinou: If it's a legit trade, then why not? It's a habit of mine anyways
    17:25 - MK Killa: I'll do same
    17:25 - MK Killa: Got the second one now
    17:26 - Sinou: I'll throw in an AK neon rev, an AWP elite build MW and a p250 asiimov as a lil sweet
    17:26 - Sinou: That alright?
    17:26 - MK Killa: Let me know when trades sent, heres url: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=177376521&token=haFkkl_e
    17:26 - MK Killa: Yeah thats fine, talking peanuts at that point
    17:26 - MK Killa: I've had good luck with case hardens in the past, hoping to find someone quick to trade it with
    17:27 - Sinou: Alright, only need to accept with mobile
    17:27 - Sinou: I wish you the best of luck for selling as well
    17:27 - MK Killa: Appreciate it, you too
    17:27 - Sinou: Seeeending.....
    17:27 - Sinou: now
    17:27 - Sinou: alright
    17:28 - MK Killa: kk
    17:28 - Sinou: You're gonna send the codes how? Screenshot or just copy pasted into steam?
    17:28 - MK Killa: You want copy pasted?
    17:28 - MK Killa: makes it easier no
    17:28 - Sinou: Yeah
    17:28 - Sinou: like
    17:28 - Sinou: i don't really care all that much
    17:29 - MK Killa: D129P-CQ6V1-LL8S2
    17:29 - MK Killa: L2D67-D56PO-Q122C
    17:29 - Sinou: Uh
    17:29 - MK Killa is now Offline.
    17:38 - Your state is set to Offline.
    17:48 - Online now and rejoined chat.
    17:54 - MK Killa is currently offline, they will receive your message the next time they log in.

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

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