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Archived Report: 76561198301965116 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by KingSlayer, Jan 5, 2018.

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  1. KingSlayer

    KingSlayer New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] PayPal scam or scam attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198301965116

    Victim profile: 76561198095186661

    What happened? Description:
    So basically i'm selling my inventory for paypal and this guy adds me because he saw my trade on one of the many sites that I have posted on. After he adds me we talk for a little bit about the price and discuss our reps and such, at which point we agree that he sends half the money first, then I send approximately half my inventory, then he sends the rest, and I finish up with the rest of my inventory. This however wasnt the case when after he said he paid I proceeded to check my balance which didnt change, and I checked my email which said I had recieved an invoice from him and that the funds would be delivered in approximately 24 hours. I did some research, found that it was a common scam, removed him and blocked him.​

    Provide Evidence:

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): hi
    agkforever is now Online.
    agkforever: yo
    agkforever: Was wondering since you're selling your inv would that be for cash or pure?
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): cash
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): i mean iw ould do either
    agkforever: could offer you 850$ USD rn
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): alright
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): would this be paypal?
    agkforever: yeah
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): you do know that you go first
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): and in addition you send it as a gift
    agkforever: if you got like http://bp.tf/sourceop/steamtrades rep sure
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): gimme 1 sec
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): in a match rn
    agkforever: take your time
    agkforever is now Away.
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): you mean my rep?
    agkforever: yeah
    agkforever is now Online.
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): https://rep.tf/76561198095186661
    agkforever: not steamrep but actual +rep's
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): oh
    agkforever: i usually buy items with cash mainly bp's and got about 600+ on steamtrades
    agkforever: https://www.steamtrades.com/user/76561198145991826
    agkforever: like this i mean :p
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): yea
    agkforever: alot of people understand by rep their steamrep lol
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): i was kinda confused
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): yea i stopped trading for a good 2 years
    agkforever: atleast you got an authenticator on :p
    agkforever: alot of peopel that cash out dont
    agkforever: they just come back and try to cash out and dont know anything about the new trading stuff XD
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): well i have no rep on this steam trades stuff since this is the first ive heard of it
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): lmao
    agkforever: im assuming you got rep nowhere else either?
    agkforever: well steamtrades isnt really know under tf2/csgo trading community
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): yea
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): i mean other than the old rep i have on my profile
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): i dont really have it anywhere else
    agkforever: well you see the thing now is
    agkforever: you have a decent backpack 1k+ USD
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): yea
    agkforever: and mainly high tier trades are gonna be intrested in a full inventory
    agkforever: so finding someone that will actully go first is gonna be a challenge for you
    agkforever: so i dont know how keen you are on going first yourself but thats probaly your best bet if you want to sell it all
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): not really keen on it
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): i spent a lot of money on my account
    agkforever: yeah alot of people dont like that lol
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): its not like my account is new or anything
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): 4 years old with 87 games
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): and thousands of hours on those games
    agkforever: yeah i can see that and stuff but since you're back to sell your items what would stop you from scamming anyone?
    agkforever: for me its my reputation that im putting at risk if i would scam
    agkforever: and like you saw i got about 600~ which isnt really easy to get xD
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): but like
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): im kind of concerned as well
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): since you dont play tf2
    agkforever: i used to i trade mainly now
    agkforever: my old account got vacced almost 2 years ago with the lmaobox wave
    agkforever: stopped playing after that
    agkforever: dont see any point either since the game is being ruined but the trading is still profitable and a fun thing to do
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): true
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): but how come you have nothing in your inventory
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): just small change
    agkforever: i started trading recently again took like a 2 month break i bought some items from 2 lads 2-3 days ago
    agkforever: can show you screenshot if you'd like
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): yea
    agkforever: http://prntscr.com/hwgxh2 < csgo trade
    agkforever: http://prntscr.com/hwgxk2 < tf2 trade
    agkforever: https://prnt.sc/hv52yk < for the tf2 one ( paypal payment )
    agkforever: https://prnt.sc/hvmhmd < csgo one
    agkforever: anything else you want or nah?
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): can you include the date
    agkforever: on paypal or the steam ?
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): in that second one
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): like take another screenshot
    agkforever: of what tho paypal?
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): yea
    agkforever: sure that was a ol screenshot
    agkforever: had it saved
    agkforever: that would work if paypal decides to log me in lol
    agkforever: http://prntscr.com/hwh0i5 FINE LIKE THAT?
    agkforever: woops caps
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): and if you dont mind me asking
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): what happened to all the items
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): that you bought
    agkforever: csgo one sold them all through cs.money for keys and cashed that out
    agkforever: and the tf2 items on market and for keys aswell
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): https://backpack.tf/profiles/76561198145991826?time=1515024000
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): thats wierd
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): because after a trade like that
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): your inventory value should spike
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): and then fall off
    agkforever: lol not if someone goes into my bp.tf
    agkforever: doesnt*
    agkforever: if none goes into it while i have the items then it will stay like that
    agkforever: if i would trade you an item and sell it right away and none refresh my bp.tf page it wont show up
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): alright
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): if you still want to trade the only way im going first
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): is if we trade little by little
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): like 2-3 keys at a time
    agkforever: how are you gonna sell a 1186$ bp 2-3 keys at a time
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): or you go ahead and trust me and go first
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): i got all day
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): : )
    agkforever: thats physicly impossible
    agkforever: how are you gonna do a 57 key item in 2-3 keys? XD
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): magic idk
    agkforever: you agree to 850$ right?
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): yea
    agkforever: ill send you 425$ after that you give me all items and after that ill send the other 425$ how does that sound?
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): how about you send half
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): i send half
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): and then we do it again
    agkforever: lol if you want to do like that fine too
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): alrighty
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): [email protected]
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): send as gift
    agkforever: will do
    agkforever: its sent
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): ill tell you when its recieve
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): recieved*
    agkforever: alright
    agkforever: Roy Fenston right?
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): yep
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): nothing showing up yet
    agkforever: you verified?
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): yea
    agkforever: shows up for me already
    agkforever: http://prntscr.com/hwh62l
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): https://imgur.com/a/u2c2b
    agkforever: > link a card or bank you're not verified xD
    agkforever: that may cause delays
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): that has never happened to me before
    agkforever: what a delay?
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): a delay this long
    agkforever: it should notify you in the activity center or through email if so
    agkforever: btw i sent you a trade for like half ish
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): says it will take 24 hours
    agkforever: does it say why?
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): different currencies
    agkforever: has to be for security lol
    agkforever: doubt it they would actully do that for different currencies only
    agkforever: so what now?
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): well
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): it seems you sent me an invoice
    agkforever is now Online.
    agkforever: i sent it as family & friends aka gift
    agkforever: so idk how that works exactly lol the 24 hour stuff is already weird
    agkforever: doesnt it show up like this https://prnt.sc/hwh62l
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): no
    agkforever: how does it show up then?
    agkforever is now Online.
    KingSlayer (Selling Inventory): https://imgur.com/a/wllKG
    agkforever is now Offline.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 5, 2018
  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    @KingSlayer Its handy if you provide a FULL screenshot of the users profile WHILE friends to confirm identity.. since you didn't we need the following done.
  3. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Thanks - issue is I can't confirm you were ever friends with this exact user by SteamID - all I see is a chat box with a name and profile image. Need to verify this and you can do that with a screenshot of your friend/user activity thru a web browser - when you take this and it shows you adding the user hover your mouse pointer over the users name so it shows the popup of the profile. Make sure you open this in a web browser before doing anything rather than steam client. Take the screenshot and make sure it's Full Screen and make sure steam client URL is enabled, not edited or cropped in any way! Upload HEREā€¦NOT imgur, NOT gyazo or any other 3rd party hosting site!

    Review this screenshot guide to help you:

  4. KingSlayer

    KingSlayer New User

    You mean this?

    Attached Files:

  5. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2018
    Mattie! likes this.
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