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Accepted Report: 76561198165285561 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by PatoLucas | trade.tf, Jan 23, 2018.

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  1. PatoLucas | trade.tf

    PatoLucas | trade.tf New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Trade Offer Fraud] Using Trade Offer URL fraud
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198165285561

    Victim profile: 76561198110248446

    What happened? Description:
    Ok so, this guy called "Penelope | Buying Bp" added me, asked for my unusuals and offered me real money, I told him i didn't traded for money and he said ah ok, he keeped me added for some months and today he asked about my inusual, offered a good amount of keys for it, but then he asked if it was marketeable on opskins, i knew what was going on. Then i chatted with him just enough to get enough proof. Ok, so he tells me all the story, get on opskins, go to sell, select items and then next. I was playing csgo in that moment so i wasn't paying that much attention, then a trade offer comes in from an "official opskins bot" then i was like "uh ok well lets report this guy" told him i was going to sleep (I'm trying) and here we are, you reading my report. That's all atm
    PD: the attached file is a proof that the chat guy is the same from the profile (if it looks strange is because sharex fcked up lol​

    Provide Evidence:
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    His alt account (or the guy that helped him)
    And the offer (he canceled it later)

    And finally the guy's profile, as you can see he may be an impersonator too

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    |THG| i.Might®: hello
    Freethinker: hi
    |THG| i.Might®: are you trading your unu8suals?
    Freethinker: yes
    |THG| i.Might®: what do you want for it?
    |THG| i.Might®: pure or unus overpay?
    Freethinker: i mean its 55 keys so looking for offers
    |THG| i.Might®: okay i can do 50 keys
    Freethinker: really?
    Freethinker: ok i guess, but its pure keys right
    |THG| i.Might®: yes
    |THG| i.Might® has changed their name to Chopper [⇄] 24/7.
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: give me your tradelink
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: ill send you trade offer
    Freethinker: 1 sec
    Freethinker: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=149982718&token=7SU52JgV
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: okay wait
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: btw where did you get your unus?
    Freethinker: trading, like a lot
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: ahhh okay2
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: trading up?
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: alright
    Freethinker: nah, trading with guys
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: oh okay cause im currently buying and reselling items on opskins and i just want to be sure that the items that im recieving are marketable on opskins
    Freethinker: they are btw
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: can we check it first before we trade? just for assurance
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: coz i dont want to receive items that arent marketable
    Freethinker: uh how do we do that
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: ok go to http://opskins.com
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: sign in your account first bro
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: just tell me when you are done
    Freethinker: ok done
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: now do you see sell on the top?
    Freethinker: ye
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: click sell and tell me what you see
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: he accepted me
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: http://steamcommunity.com/id/15313151545/
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: here
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: oh sorry
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: hahahaha
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: wrong chat
    Freethinker: ok?
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: ok
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: are you in the sell section right now?
    Freethinker: ye
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: okay now click your unusual and high price on your unusual like 9999$ so that no one will be able to buy it
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: because we are just checking if its marketable
    Freethinker: ok?
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: done?
    Freethinker: ye
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: oka
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: now click next
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: but dont click deposit
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: so that your unus wont be at sellable state
    Freethinker: ok
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: done?
    Freethinker: ye
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: what does it says?
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: go to your steam and check if you have 1 notification from opskins
    Freethinker: ah 1 sec csgo crashed lol
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: okay2
    Freethinker: well there is it
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: done?
    Freethinker: the dead cone for 9K
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: what do you mean
    Freethinker: i clicked next
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: okay2
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: now go to your steam
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: and check if you have 1 notification from opskins
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: did you?
    Freethinker: nothing here
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: oh just wait
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: maybe system delay
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: you can refresh opskins site if still not
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: so?
    Freethinker: wait what am i supposed to get
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: a trade offer from opskins
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: in your trade offers
    Freethinker: but i didnt clicked deposit tho
    Freethinker: so what now
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: yea2
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: because we are just checking your unus in opskins
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: you dont need to click deposit
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: it will be in sellable state
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: accept it and we go back to opskins
    Freethinker: uh strange, i mean. There isn't a security token nothing? this looks like a scam lol
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: yea2 not all bots give security token its only in the server
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: dont worry
    Freethinker: mm 1 sec
    Freethinker: brb
    Chopper [⇄] 24/7: ok2
    miércoles, 24 de enero de 2018
    02:17 - Freethinker: ah gtg, going to sleep
    02:17 - Chopper [⇄] 24/7: ok sure?
    02:17 - Chopper [⇄] 24/7: but our trade?
    02:17 - Freethinker: ah my dad took my phone away, i can do it tomorrow
    02:17 - Chopper [⇄] 24/7: okay2
    02:18 - Chopper [⇄] 24/7: what unus do you want>
    02:18 - Chopper [⇄] 24/7: ?
    02:18 - Freethinker: what do you mean with hat
    02:18 - Freethinker: that
    02:18 - Chopper [⇄] 24/7: oh s✿✿✿
    02:18 - Chopper [⇄] 24/7: hahahaha
    02:18 - Chopper [⇄] 24/7: wrong send
    02:18 - Chopper [⇄] 24/7: it for my other trader
    02:18 - Freethinker: ah ok

    Attached Files:

  2. PatoLucas | trade.tf

    PatoLucas | trade.tf New User

  3. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    @PatoLucas | trade.tf We don't accept evidence hosted on 3rd party hosting sites like imgur - must be hosted HERE to the report - we don't accept gifs either
    Please upload the images you have to this report on next reply.
  4. PatoLucas | trade.tf

    PatoLucas | trade.tf New User

    k, first time doing this tho

    Attached Files:

  5. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    What bot sent you an offer? You didn't give any info on that account.
    Need the SR profile block to that account please

    Attached Files:

  6. PatoLucas | trade.tf

    PatoLucas | trade.tf New User


    Attached Files:

  7. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.
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