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Invalid Report: 76561198177841415 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by ӨMΣGΛ™, Aug 21, 2015.

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  1. ӨMΣGΛ™

    ӨMΣGΛ™ New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Item Fraud] Quick-switch trade scam or attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198177841415

    Victim profile: 76561198094926457

    What happened? Description:
    I met Cristoxd100 at a trade minecraft server and he had a lot of unusuals so he seemed as he knew how to trade and seemed friendly so I added him and traded him my unusual. I gave a Cristoxd100 my Unusual Waxy Wayfinder so he can sell it for me because it was hard for me to sell it, he promised me that he would sell my unusual for keys then he gave me the two Professional killstreaks Your Eternal Reward Kits each one worth 7 keys but I didn't liked them so I gave them back so he could sell them and give me the keys in pure and the next day he blocked me and unfriended me.​

    Provide Evidence:
    The first 2 images shows the chat betweeen Cristoxd100 and me (its in spanish), the other 2 images shows my unusual and the 2 Your Eternal Reward Kits and the last one shows Cristoxd100 profile​

    Attached Files:

  2. 【SkrNR】Skronic ツ

    【SkrNR】Skronic ツ New User

    Here is the chats translated with lots of notes I made (I am mexican and I know both english and spanish)

    10:25 p.m. - ӨMΣGΛ™: join
    10:25 p.m. - ӨMΣGΛ™: to red
    10:25 p.m. - ӨMΣGΛ™: .C
    10:25 p.m. - ӨMΣGΛ™: plz
    10:26 p.m. - ♥Cristoxd♥S>3 Unu: no you join blu
    10:26 p.m. - ӨMΣGΛ™: DOESNT LET Me
    10:26 p.m. - ӨMΣGΛ™: -.-
    10:26 p.m. - ♥Cristoxd♥S>3 Unu: ok wait :p
    10:26 p.m. - ♥Cristoxd♥S>3 Unu: xD
    10:26 p.m. - ӨMΣGΛ™: you are mean
    10:26 p.m. - ӨMΣGΛ™: even if you stole my unusual
    10:26 p.m. - ӨMΣGΛ™: you can't even do that
    10:26 p.m. - ӨMΣGΛ™: you can't join
    10:27 p.m. - ♥Cristoxd♥S>3 Unu: yeah wait :c
    10:27 p.m. - ӨMΣGΛ™: you are really bad
    10:27 p.m. - ♥Cristoxd♥S>3 Unu: nu :c
    10:27 p.m. - ӨMΣGΛ™: UNUSUALS?!! (Note: I was playing with Omega and I saw too Cristo got lots of other unusuals he stole too)
    10:28 p.m. - ӨMΣGΛ™: what with that unusuals...
    10:28 p.m. - ӨMΣGΛ™: that really hurts
    10:28 p.m. - ӨMΣGΛ™: ...
    10:28 p.m. - ♥Cristoxd♥S>3 Unu: that aren't mine
    10:28 p.m. - ӨMΣGΛ™: either wasn't the one I gave you
    10:28 p.m. - ♥Cristoxd♥S>3 Unu: yeah I know (Note: here he is afirming he gave him an unusual and he knows he stole it)
    10:29 p.m. - ӨMΣGΛ™: ...
    10:29 p.m. - ӨMΣGΛ™: I really want it back
    10:29 p.m. - ӨMΣGΛ™: I know where to sell it
    10:29 p.m. - ӨMΣGΛ™: peacefully
    10:29 p.m. - ӨMΣGΛ™: for lots
    10:29 p.m. - ӨMΣGΛ™: itmes (Note: he is trying to say items)
    11:09 p.m. - ♥Cristoxd♥S>3 Unu: it was a pleasure to f✿✿✿ with you bye :3
    11:09 p.m. - ♥Cristoxd♥S>3 Unu is now Offline.
  3. ScorchingVenom™

    ScorchingVenom™ Partner Community

    Do you happen to have the brokering agreement?
  4. 【SkrNR】Skronic ツ

    【SkrNR】Skronic ツ New User

    Sadly, my friend doesn't have it, but in the chat we can prove by what he was saying he admitted that he actually stole the unusual from my friend
  5. 【SkrNR】Skronic ツ

    【SkrNR】Skronic ツ New User

    Also by the trade history we can also prove he did stole it
  6. Edward.

    Edward. SteamRep Admin Donator - Tier V

    SteamRep Admin:
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