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Declined Report: 76561198194668002 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by LordBread420, Feb 17, 2024.

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  1. LordBread420

    LordBread420 New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] PayPal scam or scam attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198194668002

    Victim profile: 76561198121071662

    What happened? Description:
    This guy added me a few days ago, and he started a chat, while also leaving a comment in my profile that he is interested in my item.
    Basically, it was a pretty normal conversation. Buyer suggested a trade with a middleman. He send me a link: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSteamTrading/wiki/index/ . It looks fine, but it has broken number of people joined and people online.

    He had a suggestion to pick that 3rd guy: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Charlesxzc123, "because he was online" as he said. ( I will create a seperate report on him. )

    We started the whole group chat thing (Guys, I'm really sorry, but I lost the Group Chat :'c ) , but after I got a feeling that this is getting weird, I started to google "middleman trading steam reddit", and after I got on this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamScams.../?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

    And after a while, on this one: https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamScams.../?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

    So, I assumed I'm getting scamed, and backed off this trade. And now I'm here, reporting.

    P.S. The weirdest thing, I had a feeling, like, guy that im reporting rn was saying every time different things.​

    Provide Evidence:
    If images did not attach, I will re do it.​

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  2. LordBread420

    LordBread420 New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] PayPal scam or scam attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561199575584325

    Victim profile: 76561198121071662

    What happened? Description:
    This is the "Middleman". As my previous report said, I was given a link to this guy.

    I'm really sorry, but I lost the group chat. Basically, he was acting as a chat-bot, but I'm considering that there was a guy behind. He always used presets for anwsering questions, and he even sent his trade/inventory history, and it was cropped images.​

    Provide Evidence:

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  3. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    I've combined the reports - you ONLY report the FIRST user involved that contacted you.
    Issue is you are reporting someone based on the assumption that they may not follow thru with the deal or wanting to use someone specific for a middleman.
    Anyone can be a middleman - that isn't something we or anyone can assign that is their choice. You don't know if any of the users would have followed thru or not thus an assumption of guilt.
    Did you do the right thing by backing away and saying no - maybe that is your choice to decline the trade/deal and walk.
    Sorry but we do not review reports based on assumptions no matter how sketchy it may look to you as it stands there isn't enough evidence to suggest the reported user (first in contact) or the other so called middle man would have scammed you.
    Mobile screenshots are super hard to review also since most are without dates, out of order and so on.
    Please do not submit reports here based on assumptions.
    Nothing provided suggests/shows this user or the other as being guilty of any wrong doing per policy
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