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Invalid Report: 76561198196279025 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by "Captin Howdy", Jun 22, 2017.

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  1. "Captin Howdy"

    "Captin Howdy" New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Other] Any other fraudulent behavior
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198196279025

    Victim profile: 76561198055544256

    What happened? Description:
    Basically fibbion or Appple back in January 19 2017 was starting up a so called website for csgo that you can trade you're case harden items into the bot for other items. He started a whole group for this legit scam and got multiple people to invest into it including sadly me. I knew this was a scam from the beginning but I trusted him since he got ALOT of other high tier people to join his group on steam and on one condition to put cstrade.ch in their name to lure others into investing into this phone bullshit website that never launched and now lost all its funds magically. I myself invested 70 keys to this website and hoped that it would do good. But all that ended up happening is me waiting then asking the owner about updates and at first getting excuses then eventually getting no response at all. He stated that I could get my items back if I asked but in 3 months? Then he changed it up saying that he would not give me back MY KEYS and when I sent the offer to him back he told me he would get on it but then declined the offer!?!! He Tried to pull some bullshit saying I invested but wont give me back my keys since its only after 3 months of the site launching. Well heads up if u don't know THE SITE NEVER LAUNCHED IN THE FIRST PLACE. And my friend invested 250 keys in the website also that he got back after weeks and weeks of bugging him and his co owner and he stated that he would only give them back if he stayed friends with him (most likely to buy more time since a lot of people were getting on his back about what was up with the site not launching and peoples money). I myself with the many that invested probably will never get any of my money back since I saw the keys and items he got just convert into items that fibbion wanted like I asked where my flip marble fade I invested went after 3 days he said he was going to "put it on his bots" but I saw him advertising it on his page for keys after he told me he was going to put in on a bot?? https://gyazo.com/c7796502c381f0a2ddaae6c0234c4899 and after he puts on his profile "Always buying quick sells at 80% of steam analyst." which was the first red flag I had about him. After weeks I just saw all the investments he had got disappear or he would have 2 or 3 high tier items that he could have never afforded without all our investments. I knew this guy was a snake from day one all I want to do to get this guy banned so #1 he cant trade his items #2 he wont get others to invest in his website also and fall for the trap. I bet you right now if I or anyone else with a new inventory were to add him today he would give them the load of bullshit about investing he gave me then delay and eventually ignore them over time which he did to many and others. Please get this guy banned and please track his account so if he trades his items to another alt which he has many of that those alts will be banned too because this is legit fraud and scams he is pulling off here.​

    Provide Evidence:
    Apple scam 1: Here he wanted me to get into a discord so he would talk to me and probs not have it on a chat log but we went over it in chat also.

    Apple scam 2: Here I gave him my email and proceeded to trade him my knife as he listed to me the rates and conditions of his website..

    Apple scam 3: Here I saw him advertising my knife for keys on his profile JUST 2 DAYS after I traded it to him here is the gyazo https://gyazo.com/c7796502c381f0a2ddaae6c0234c4899

    apple scam 4: Apple giving exuses of why he just sold my knife for keys to buy bigger items ( or in his words put on a bot that never had any items in them ever)

    Apple scam 5: Me asking for my investment back after a while after his website was supposed to start and nothing being done about the money people gave to him

    Apple loosing: a recent update of what happened with all the investment money just magically disappeared after asking my friend to ask him what is up because he will not respond to me....

    Apple scam 6: me investing into the bullshit site like a dumbass I am never again....

    Apple investment: Proof that I traded him a flip knife marble fade as investment #1 (thankfully the only one since he was trying to make me do more)

    Link to his bullshit website that never changed since day one: http://www.cstrade.ch/

    Link to his steam group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/CSTradech

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
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