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Invalid Report: 76561198204210185 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by brake™, Jul 17, 2017.

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  1. brake™

    brake™ New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Item Fraud] Misrepresenting virtual items
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198204210185

    Victim profile: 76561198260322704

    What happened? Description:
    Yesterday I accepted a friend request from the accused one - Zenyatta
    As I am buying backpacks and unusuals for Paypal he had added me to sell his items, and more specifically - a lot of high value unusuals.

    I went to check his Steamrep and I sow an uncomfirmed report about him, that was made yesterday by JA₵KL£R [Broker, Streamer, YTer] ( which report I see you have archived today, due to lack of evidence )
    I then added JA₵KL£R to talk about Zenyatta. From my conversation with JA₵KL£R he said he had found multiple alt scamming accounts that Zenyatta is supposedly using to get rid of stollen items and more specific - the unusuals in his backpack. After my conversation with JA₵KL£R I told him I will try to find out more about the stolen items and how Zenyatta got them.

    I went to speak with Zenyata and made him an offer for his unusuals.
    To find out his possible other alt accounts or other scammers I agreed I will trade with him if he provides the items to a clean account.
    Zenyatta told me that his friend dom ( steam id: 76561198170280223) will add me, in order to make the trade through him by Zenyatta trading his unusuals to dom and then dom trading them to me.

    As stated above my intention was not to trade with him or his supposed freinds but to find more information about other people/alts involved and more about the items. So I told Zenyatta that I can't trade with his freind not only because Zenyattas is banned on Bp.tf but also because the unusuals in his backpack have long history of scammers, which as I tod him I condider suspicious enough. Then I told him I will decide if I can trade him if I can verify who the actual scammed person was, because I wanted to verify that the scammed person's account was clean ( at least that's waht quickly came to my mind to say ).

    So I started my conversation with him again, wanting to find who actually scammed those unusuals at first. Zenyatta told me that his friend Bule ( steam id: 76561198304068623, who is already banned on Steamrep ) did actually stole the items, but that Bule is not on his friends list because as he is already banned as scammer Zenyatta didn't want to get banned for being friends with him.

    Further on I found out that Bule basically gifted the unusuals currently in Zenyatta's backpack ( will provide screenshot of them below ), and that those items are leftovers from all items Zenyatta received from Bule, and that most of the items Zenyatta already sold/traded away. Also Zenyatta told me that he gave the money from the previously sold items to Bule and that the current unusuals ( worth over $2000 ) are for Zenyatta from the split with Bule.

    Continuing my conversation with Zenyata he managed to find a link of the scammed person and comfirmed that indeed Bule stole item/s from this person - SCP-173 ( id:76561198260322704).
    Please take a good look of the history of the Morning Glory Polar Pullover in Zenyatta's inventory - That indeed comfirms that this unusual was in SCP-173's inventory right before going to Bule ( who is banned on Steamrep), then going to He man ( who is banned on Steamrep; also banned on Bp.tf for being alt of Bule ), Then item goes to Boostio ( banned on Bp.tf for being alt of He man ), then it goes to He man again and then goes to WHALE ( also banned on Bp.tf for being alt of He man), then it goes to few other people, after which goes back to the alt WHALE and back to He man, and from then it goes back and forth to Zenyatta ( also banned on Bp.tf for being alt of He man ). Did You follow that? The original scammer Bule is banned by Steamrep then He man is banned by Steamrep but also Zenyatta himself comfirms that He man is his other account. The comfirmation of that you can see in the first screenshot of this report ( which you closed today ) - https://forums.steamrep.com/threads...tf2-team-fortress-2-items.169245/#post-445361

    Even if you don't take Bp.tf's bans into acount you can already see that that unusual goes to He man and Zenyatta and Zenyatta comfirms himslef that He man is his alt.

    For the other unusuals - You can see that ( except for the Polar Pullover ) they were in this person's backpack (id:76561198175249965, who Zenyatta pointed as being marked on Bp.tf for trading with scammers) right before going to He man and then to Zenyatta, then back to He man and then back to Zenyatta, back and forth. Also stated from Zenyatta ( screenshot number 11, message at 17:22h ) those other unusuals ( except the Pullover ) he got after trading other scammed unusuals he got from Bule.

    Looking at the description below and checking the screenshots from my conversation with Zenyatta you can see his comfirmation that he has been trading scammed items and that at least one of the unusals he has atm has been scammed. For the other unusuals he currently has Zenyatta said he got them after trading away other scammed items.

    Furthermore I ended our conversation, stating I can not trade with him because he knowingly has scammed item/s.

    Please take this report, along with all those screenshots and my explanation above into a serious account.​

    Provide Evidence:
    All my conversation with Zenyatta is provided below in the form of screenshots, where you can see that he himself posted and comfirmed links to Steam profiles of the original scammer, link to the scammed person's account and link to at least two other brokers, one of which is banned by Bp.tf for knowingly brokering items from scammers​

    Attached Files:

  2. brake™

    brake™ New User

    Posting his current backpack with proof I actually clicked on the chat to verify the Steam profile of the person I am talking with . Posting those separately, as Steamrep maximum number of uploaded files is 15, and I already uploaded 15 files.

    Attached Files:

  3. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    We don't accept reports accusing others of being alts of other users - no evidence of any scam here.
    Backpack and other sites can ban someone for whatever they wish.
    No external evidence of this user linked to any known scammer based on our methods.
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