1. There is no such thing as a "pending" ban or Steam admin. Anyone threatening your account is a scammer trying to scare you. Read more.

Pending Report: 76561198259436009 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by Initial D, Jan 31, 2016.

  1. Initial D

    Initial D New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] PayPal scam or scam attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198259436009

    Victim profile: 76561198114016108

    What happened? Description:
    he wanted to sell his knife for 65$, after sending the money. The scammer told me that he email that he gave me was wrong. I knew he was a scammer. Well. everyone on the net are doing s✿✿✿s already. And We cant trust them already. he blocked me now already.

    So that everyone will know already that this guy is a scammer. and not to be trusted!​

    Provide Evidence:
    8:53 AM - John Wick: hey
    8:53 AM - John Wick: what is my assurance
    8:53 AM - John Wick: you will send the knife
    8:53 AM - John Wick: or items?
    8:54 AM - John Wick: how much first for the cyrex?
    8:54 AM - John Wick: let me buy the cyrex first
    9:01 AM - Aboose: I'm not sure what I could show you to assure you. I can have friends vouch that I have morals that will keep me from sinning
    8:55 AM - John Wick: how much for the cyrex
    8:55 AM - John Wick: what is your
    8:55 AM - John Wick: email?
    9:03 AM - Aboose: Not looking too much to sell the Cryex.
    9:03 AM - Aboose: I got lucky with the float I got. It looks almost fn :p
    8:57 AM - John Wick: well i need to make sure first
    8:58 AM - John Wick: what is your email?
    9:05 AM - Aboose: [email protected]
    9:00 AM - John Wick: what item do you sell?
    9:01 AM - John Wick: because i want to make sure things
    9:01 AM - John Wick: because many people can as well vouch for me
    9:08 AM - Aboose: I want to sell the knife.
    9:02 AM - John Wick: i can send you now
    9:02 AM - John Wick: 50$
    9:09 AM - Aboose: That's way too low.
    9:03 AM - John Wick: how much for the knife?
    9:10 AM - Aboose: $65 it has 40% blue play-side
    9:03 AM - John Wick: can we do like 50$ first then ill do the 15.
    9:03 AM - John Wick: ?
    9:04 AM - John Wick: so?
    9:11 AM - Aboose: Let me finish this comp match then Ill get back to you
    9:06 AM - John Wick: so man?
    9:07 AM - John Wick: ill send you now 50$?
    9:13 AM - Aboose: Would you mind waiting until I finish my match?
    9:07 AM - John Wick: alright.
    9:07 AM - John Wick: let me know right away
    9:14 AM - Aboose: thanks
    9:17 AM - John Wick: hey
    9:17 AM - John Wick: sent you 50$ already
    9:17 AM - John Wick: let me see if you arent a scammer
    9:24 AM - Aboose: Ill check it right after this comp match.
    9:17 AM - John Wick: If you are
    9:17 AM - John Wick: Hope your mother will have a f✿✿✿nig cancer
    9:24 AM - Aboose: Let's stay civilized here
    9:18 AM - John Wick: You sent $50.00 to [email protected]
    9:18 AM - John Wick: ive sent you
    9:18 AM - John Wick: 50$
    9:19 AM - John Wick: are you payton?
    9:19 AM - John Wick: Payton Deitz
    9:19 AM - John Wick: Sent to
    Payton Deitz
    [email protected]
    9:19 AM - John Wick: name is Tom Kong
    9:22 AM - John Wick: let me know right away
    9:23 AM - John Wick: I hope being civilized its still there
    9:31 AM - Aboose: Yeah, we need more people who are civilized. People are crazy these days.
    9:25 AM - John Wick: i sent the 50$, once you confirm, I will sent again. because I dont want to be scammed..
    9:33 AM - Aboose: Alrighty, im gonna stop typing so I can focus more on the match so that we can win. Ill msg you as soon as we're done
    9:26 AM - John Wick: alright hoping for a better future.
    9:39 AM - John Wick: hey
    9:39 AM - John Wick: your game is done
    9:45 AM - Aboose: I'm checking it right now
    9:39 AM - John Wick: okay sent money to Payton Deitz
    9:39 AM - John Wick: you received it right?
    9:46 AM - Aboose: My name isn't Payton, it's Tristan. You sent to [email protected], right?
    9:40 AM - John Wick: LOL
    9:40 AM - John Wick: LOL
    9:40 AM - John Wick: LOL
    9:40 AM - John Wick: SCAMMER
    9:40 AM - John Wick: Sent to
    Payton Deitz
    [email protected]
    9:40 AM - John Wick: Sent to
    Payton Deitz
    [email protected]
    9:40 AM - John Wick: [email protected]
    9:41 AM - John Wick: dont f✿✿✿ed me up!!!
    9:41 AM - John Wick: see
    9:41 AM - John Wick: you are the same
    9:41 AM - Remote end did not answer call - hanging up.
    9:41 AM - John Wick: you are a f✿✿✿✿✿✿ SCAMMER
    9:41 AM - John Wick: WTFFF
    9:48 AM - Aboose: Chill with the spam, I'll help you get this sorted out man.
    9:41 AM - John Wick: DONT f✿✿✿ED ME UP DUDE.
    9:41 AM - John Wick: LOL...
    9:41 AM - John Wick: you are f✿✿✿✿✿✿ s✿✿✿ man
    9:41 AM - John Wick: you are really
    9:41 AM - John Wick: you are a f✿✿✿✿✿✿ scammer
    9:41 AM - John Wick: no one can trust you anymore. f✿✿✿
    9:48 AM - Aboose: Yo, this was my mistake, I sent you the wrong email. Let me help you fix this.
    9:42 AM - John Wick: NO..
    9:42 AM - John Wick: LOL
    9:42 AM - John Wick: you are a liar..
    9:49 AM - Aboose: What is your email, I'll send a message to PayPal support.
    9:42 AM - John Wick: naaa
    9:42 AM - John Wick: you f✿✿✿✿✿✿ liar...
    9:42 AM - John Wick: ]reported
    9:43 AM - John Wick: thats what you gave me
    9:43 AM - John Wick: YOU STUPID LIAR
    9:43 AM - John Wick: 8:58 AM - John Wick: what is your email?
    9:05 AM - Aboose: [email protected]
    9:43 AM - John Wick: 8:58 AM - John Wick: what is your email?
    9:05 AM - Aboose: [email protected]
    9:43 AM - John Wick: I CANT EVEN SEND MONEY
    9:43 AM - John Wick: ON f✿✿✿✿✿✿ [email protected]
    9:43 AM - John Wick: f✿✿✿ YOU!
    9:43 AM - John Wick: give me screens
    9:43 AM - John Wick: i know you received the money
    9:43 AM - John Wick: you mother f✿✿✿✿er
    9:50 AM - Aboose: Can you please stop spamming me, I don't want to have to block you.
    9:44 AM - John Wick: KARMA 200X WILL BE THERE..
    9:44 AM - John Wick: No
    9:44 AM - John Wick: YOU SCAMMED ME ALREADY
    9:50 AM - Aboose: I want to help you get this fixed.
    9:44 AM - John Wick: NO
    9:44 AM - John Wick: YOU f✿✿✿✿✿✿ LIAR c✿✿✿
    9:44 AM - John Wick: GIVE ME MY KNIFE
    9:44 AM - John Wick: THAT I BOUGHT FROM YOU!
    9:44 AM - John Wick: f✿✿✿✿✿✿ LIART
    9:44 AM - John Wick: Sent to
    Payton Deitz
    [email protected]
    9:44 AM - John Wick: I know you are payton
    9:44 AM - John Wick: b✿✿✿✿
    9:45 AM - John Wick: why did you f✿✿✿ed me up man?
    9:45 AM - John Wick: You are a f✿✿✿✿✿✿ bullshit!
    9:46 AM - Remote end did not answer call - hanging up.
    9:46 AM - John Wick: give me my knife MAN
    9:46 AM - John Wick: I SENT YOU THE MOENY!
    9:53 AM - Aboose: I'll answer the call when you are calmed. For now, I need your email address so I can send an email to PayPal explaining the situation.
    9:46 AM - John Wick: http://prntscr.com/9xgcr4
    9:46 AM - John Wick: http://prntscr.com/9xgcr4
    9:46 AM - John Wick: f✿✿✿ you man.
    9:46 AM - John Wick: you are just buying time
    9:47 AM - John Wick: im going to call paypal to reverse it and report you
    9:47 AM - John Wick: you MOTHER f✿✿✿✿✿✿ SCAMMER
    9:47 AM - John Wick: I sent you 50$
    9:47 AM - John Wick: and you f✿✿✿✿✿✿ WHAT?
    9:47 AM - John Wick: LOL
    9:47 AM - John Wick: f✿✿✿✿✿✿ SCAMMER
    9:47 AM - John Wick: GIVE ME THE KNIFE
    9:47 AM - John Wick: I KNOW YOU HAVE THE MONEY
    9:47 AM - John Wick: I KNOW YOU HAVE MONEY
    9:54 AM - Aboose: Look I'm trying to help you here, but you are not corporating with me.
    9:48 AM - John Wick: lol
    9:54 AM - Aboose: Give me one moment, Ill download gyazo and take a screenshot
    9:48 AM - John Wick: STOP THE BULLSHIT
    9:48 AM - John Wick: DOWNLOAD?
    9:48 AM - John Wick: HA _ HA _ HA
    9:57 AM - Aboose: Gyazo is installing.
    9:51 AM - John Wick: you are bullshit man!
    9:51 AM - John Wick: f✿✿✿..
    9:52 AM - John Wick: why did I f✿✿✿✿✿✿ trusted you..
    9:52 AM - John Wick: You are a f✿✿✿✿✿✿ liar c✿✿✿.
    9:52 AM - John Wick: i got all of this.
    9:59 AM - Aboose: https://gyazo.com/971aad62f47c2d1839ed7e70838cab8d
    9:53 AM - John Wick: bullshit man..
    9:53 AM - John Wick: that is bullshit..
    9:53 AM - John Wick: put me in
    9:54 AM - John Wick: you have a f✿✿✿✿✿✿ second account.
    10:00 AM - Aboose: Put your chat in the screenshot?
    9:54 AM - John Wick: you have a f✿✿✿✿✿✿ second account
    9:54 AM - John Wick: dont fool me!
    10:01 AM - Aboose: Ill show you the email.
    9:55 AM - John Wick: You're sending to [email protected]
    9:55 AM - John Wick: I CANT EVEN f✿✿✿✿✿✿
    9:55 AM - John Wick: SEND ON THIS EMAIL
    9:56 AM - John Wick: why the f✿✿✿ did I trust you.
    10:02 AM - Aboose: https://gyazo.com/f16094221645dd5bba82a270ca66625f
    9:57 AM - John Wick: I dont trust you man.
    9:58 AM - John Wick: why the f✿✿✿ would you give me
    9:58 AM - John Wick: the [email protected]...
    10:05 AM - Aboose: It was a typo on my end. I am deeply sorry.
    9:58 AM - John Wick: man.
    9:58 AM - John Wick: f✿✿✿ MAN..
    9:59 AM - John Wick: f✿✿✿ f✿✿✿
    9:59 AM - John Wick: you f✿✿✿✿✿✿ owe me something!!!
    10:00 AM - John Wick: can you atleast GIVE ME SOMETHING MAN...
    10:00 AM - John Wick: I SENT THE MONEY
    10:01 AM - John Wick: f✿✿✿
    10:07 AM - Aboose: Look man, I'm trying to help you here. Can you please tell me what your email is so that I can contact PayPal?
    10:02 AM - John Wick: you are f✿✿✿✿✿✿ bullshit man.
    10:02 AM - John Wick: I dont trust you anymore..
    10:05 AM - John Wick: man
    10:05 AM - John Wick: come on!
    10:05 AM - John Wick: I know you have the money already.
    10:06 AM - John Wick: you have the money already
    10:13 AM - Aboose: I can't help you in you don't help me man. I want to contact PayPal for/with you, but they won't speak with me unless they know what email the money was sent from.
    10:06 AM - John Wick: i know i know.
    10:06 AM - John Wick: [email protected]
    10:07 AM - John Wick: Tsk..
    10:07 AM - John Wick: You f✿✿✿✿✿✿ bullshit man.
    10:14 AM - Aboose: I would appreciate it if you could stop swearing at me please.
    10:08 AM - John Wick: because you are a f✿✿✿✿✿✿ liar man..
    10:14 AM - Aboose: I'm about to contact PayPal. If you could give me a few minutes, that would be great.
    10:08 AM - John Wick: yeah. then once you sent the money already.
    10:08 AM - John Wick: you will block me
    10:08 AM - John Wick: right on man. right on.
    10:09 AM - John Wick: Aboose: Let's stay civilized here
    10:09 AM - John Wick: lol.
    10:15 AM - Aboose: If I was going to block you, I would have already done so.
    10:09 AM - John Wick: Civilized?
    10:11 AM - John Wick: you are just waiting and acting so innocent man
    10:11 AM - John Wick: the worst part here
    10:11 AM - John Wick: i trusted you
    10:12 AM - John Wick: because when you are going to give me the knife i will surely send you the money right away
    10:12 AM - John Wick: but you...
    10:12 AM - John Wick: man I swear TO GOD, I pray that your mum will get cancer.
    10:19 AM - Aboose: Please stop saying things like that, it's not cool. I'm only trying to help you.
    10:12 AM - John Wick: Help me?
    10:13 AM - John Wick: You are ruining me.
    10:18 AM - John Wick: SO WHAT NOW?
    10:18 AM - John Wick: f✿✿✿ MAN
    10:25 AM - Aboose: I need to wait for a response from PayPal.
    10:19 AM - John Wick: .......
    10:19 AM - John Wick: you said
    10:19 AM - John Wick: you would call them
    10:19 AM - John Wick: you just wrote a f✿✿✿✿✿✿ letter
    10:19 AM - John Wick: its f✿✿✿✿✿✿ USELESS
    10:19 AM - John Wick: IF YOU WONT GIVE ME ANYTHING
    10:19 AM - John Wick: OR ANY ITEMS.
    10:26 AM - Aboose: Their customer service isn't available in my region right now. It's late at night.
    10:19 AM - John Wick: I WILL REPORT YOU
    10:19 AM - John Wick: I am GOING TO REPORT YOU NOW.
    10:19 AM - John Wick: f✿✿✿ YOU
    10:20 AM - John Wick: I hope YOUR MOTHER WILL HAVE A CANCER.
    10:20 AM - John Wick: THANKS FOR SCAMMING ME
    10:20 AM - John Wick: AND GIVING OUT REASONS
    10:21 AM - John Wick: see YOU DONT CARE
    10:21 AM - John Wick: BECASUE YOU ARE f✿✿✿✿✿✿ SCAMMER
    10:21 AM - John Wick: REPORTING YOU NOW
    10:28 AM - Aboose: I do care, that's why I'm trying to help you. Do you really think a scammer would take this much time out of their day to help someone they took advantage of?
    10:21 AM - John Wick: hahaha
    10:21 AM - John Wick: THATS WHAT SCAMMERS DO
    10:21 AM - John Wick: f✿✿✿✿✿✿ s✿✿✿
    10:22 AM - John Wick: SCAMMER!
    10:22 AM - John Wick: I hope you get banned
    10:22 AM - John Wick: your mother will get a cancer
    10:22 AM - John Wick: and hope you will have f✿✿✿✿✿✿ karma
    10:22 AM - John Wick: 100x 200 x
    10:29 AM - Aboose: I'm going to have to block you until PayPal responds. I can't deal with your spamming anymore.
    10:22 AM - John Wick: you are the worst liar..
    10:22 AM - John Wick: lol
    10:22 AM - John Wick: block?
    10:22 AM - John Wick: see. haha
    10:29 AM - Aboose: If someone were spamming you for over an hour, you would want to block them too.
    10:23 AM - John Wick: because you are A f✿✿✿✿✿✿ SCAMMER.
    10:23 AM - Aboose is now Offline.
    10:30 AM - Aboose is not available to trade. More information will be shown to Aboose if they invite you to trade.​

    Attached Files:

  2. Selling Knife via #Skrill

    Selling Knife via #Skrill Banned on SteamRep

    The Guy is a f✿✿✿✿✿✿ c✿✿✿! He is a f✿✿✿✿✿✿ scammer! Sent him to that f✿✿✿✿✿✿ same email as well. Now he traded his knife already. This guy is a scammer! Scammer in PayPal!!