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Invalid Report: 76561198271513551 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by ツ sεςнο, Jan 13, 2018.

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  1. ツ sεςнο

    ツ sεςнο New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Other] Any other fraudulent behavior
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198271513551

    Victim profile: 76561198248523876

    What happened? Description:
    So,she said that she is administrator on Society.gg,then she asked me if i want a karambit marble fade and i said yes,then she said that she will send me a trade offer,and she sent a trade offer which included only ALL of my items and that she will give then the knife via a bot of their site.I refused the trade with all of my items,because i didn't trust her. then she gave me "proof" that it is "legit"(i will give links to the fake proof at the final).then she gave me a link.that she said is the link from the bot's profile,which was actually the link to a famous trader,which was actually playing Rust at the moment,i asked her how a "bot" is playing Rust,and she said that he is not that kind of a bot,he is something like a employee.But yeah,it was a really bad method and she didn't scam me,but I hope she will

    This is the link that she gave me and say that is from a bot:


    And this is the fake "proof" I know this is fake because these are not screenshots from her giving knives to other people,these are screenshots of her DEPOSITING knives on betting sites.


    I hope this is enough proof to get her banned.I have screenshots from the conversation also but they are in Romanian,and I don't know if they will help u,but all of the thing that i gave to u might be enough​

    Provide Evidence:
    [​IMG] one of the fake "proof" that she gave me
    [​IMG] another one
    i have 4 more but I think 2 is enough
    [​IMG] These 5 screenshots are from the conversation,it is in romanian so I don't know how much these will help,but I hope they will help too

    [​IMG] The screenshot from the trade offer she sent to me

    [​IMG] Screenshot of her profile​

    Ana "Society.gg": Buna!
    Ma numesc,Ana si detin varsta de 20 de ani.Si fac parte din Staff-ul site-ului de betting society . gg.
    Aici ai si o poza cu profilul meu de admin!!!
    Vreau sa te retin 5 minute pentru cateva intrebari intrebari daca se poate?
    ツ sεςнο: da
    ツ sεςнο: se poate
    Ana "Society.gg": 1.Cunosti site-ul society . gg ?
    ツ sεςнο: da
    Ana "Society.gg": 2.Ce varsta detineti?
    ツ sεςнο: 14 ani
    Ana "Society.gg": 3.Vrei sa castigi un cutit?(Mai exact un Karambit |Marble Fade|)
    ツ sεςнο: da
    ツ sεςнο: realizezi ca imi dau seama ca dai copy-paste nu?
    ツ sεςнο: sa zicem ca trecem peste asta
    ツ sεςнο: Despre ce e vorba?
    Ana "Society.gg": 4.Tot ce v-a trebui sa faci e sa imi dai trade url tau si sa accepti trade-ul facut de mine ok?
    Daca nu crezi ca vei primi cutitul iti pot arata cateva poze ca oameni si-au primit cutitele uite:
    1. https://gyazo.com/f9de0a0a6109bf36d9701855214ac3a8
    2. https://gyazo.com/6152222492eae8b39d01a281b758eb10
    3. https://gyazo.com/af3e1da1b937f3f0eee1e57886e237a4
    4. https://gyazo.com/bdd48c415fb2d9875667995401da29dd
    5. https://gyazo.com/976b8405a28071489ea7985e24f7b2af
    6. https://gyazo.com/b5d065720a4285362074bc7712b64fce
    Iti dau un sfat,trebuie sa dai coppy/paste sa mearga sa vezi pozele ca nu cred ca poti sa le vezi dand clik dar incearca!
    Pentru neintelegeri ne puteti contacta si pe:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/societygg
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/society_gg
    Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/societygg
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/society_gg/
    ツ sεςнο: Poti te rog frumos sa scrii "salut" si sa trimiti
    ツ sεςнο: ?
    Ana "Society.gg": Dc?
    ツ sεςнο: nvm
    Ana "Society.gg": Crezi ca e scam?Corect?
    ツ sεςнο: Voiam sa stiu daca vb cu un bot
    ツ sεςнο: hmm
    ツ sεςнο: Tu chiar crezi ca sunt atat de dopitoc?
    ツ sεςнο: dobitoc *
    Ana "Society.gg": Crezi ca e scam?
    ツ sεςнο: Dc nu trimiti un trade offer care sa contina si itemele mele si cutitul?
    ツ sεςнο: Bun:
    ツ sεςнο: 1. nu imi da block
    Ana "Society.gg": Pentru ca tu trebuie sa dai putina dovada de incredere ca ceilalti
    Ana "Society.gg": Ai vazut pozele
    ツ sεςнο: 2. data viitoare cand incerci sa dai scam,incearca sa nu se vada CLAR ca dai copy paste
    ツ sεςнο: 3. +repuri fake
    ツ sεςнο: Toate la diferenta extrem de mica
    Ana "Society.gg": ?
    ツ sεςнο: Ai 1 Vac Ban,nu ma intereseaza pe ce joc
    ツ sεςнο: Dar ai
    ツ sεςнο: Si esti banata pe steamrep
    Ana "Society.gg": Pai nu dau scam
    ツ sεςнο: Pentru incercari de scam
    Ana "Society.gg": Si daca doresti...
    Ana "Society.gg": Iti fac o poza cu profilul meu de admin
    ツ sεςнο: Imi place ca inca incerci
    Ana "Society.gg": de pe site
    ツ sεςнο: Stai numai putin sa ma uit peste "dovezile" tale
    Ana "Society.gg" is now Online.
    Ana "Society.gg": Deci...Ce faci?
    ツ sεςнο: Da
    ツ sεςнο: Vad ca nu ai cutitul in inventar?
    ツ sεςнο: Pe ce cont e?
    ツ sεςнο: Sau cum facem?
    Ana "Society.gg": Ti-l trimitem cu botul oficial al siteului
    Ana "Society.gg": http://steamcommunity.com/id/OfficialChiLi
    ツ sεςнο: asta e linkul botului?
    ツ sεςнο: Hello
    ツ sεςнο: Mai esti?
    Ana "Society.gg": Da
    ツ sεςнο: Deci ala e linkul de la profilul botului?
    Ana "Society.gg": Da
    ツ sεςнο: :))
    ツ sεςнο: Ala e profilul unui trader,nu al unui bot
    ツ sεςнο: Imi explici si mie cum se joaca botul Rust?
    Ana "Society.gg": Serios
    Ana "Society.gg": Trader?
    Ana "Society.gg": Ia te rog
    ツ sεςнο: Mai nou botii se si joaca?
    Ana "Society.gg": sa intri pe siteul nostru si sa compari
    Ana "Society.gg": inv lui cu al nostru
    ツ sεςнο: Eu te-am intrebat ceva
    Ana "Society.gg": sa vezi ca sunt aceleasi itm
    ツ sεςнο: Botii se joaca rust?
    ツ sεςнο: Botii se joaca Rust?
    ツ sεςнο: E ultima data cand te intreb
    Ana "Society.gg": Nu e bot bot
    ツ sεςнο: :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
    ツ sεςнο: doamneeee
    Ana "Society.gg": Cum sa iti zic
    Ana "Society.gg": Are gradul de bot
    Ana "Society.gg": pe site
    Ana "Society.gg": Adica e bot
    ツ sεςнο: Si de ce nu scrie nicaieri la el pe profil?
    Ana "Society.gg": El trimite itemele
    ツ sεςнο: Normal botii au la ei pe profil ca sunt boti
    ツ sεςнο: Si numele siteului in nickname
    Ana "Society.gg": Serios!
    Ana "Society.gg": Uitate la siteul csgofairplay sau roll
    Ana "Society.gg": si etc
    Ana "Society.gg": nu e obligatoriu
    ツ sεςнο: Realizezi ca omul are si scris pe profil ca nu exista nici un fel de alta metoda sa il contactezi
    ツ sεςнο: Sau sa faci trade-uri cu el
    ツ sεςнο: Decat vorbind cu el
    Ana "Society.gg": Are trade linkul pe profil
    Ana "Society.gg": Sau...Daca vrei facem pe jumatati
    ツ sεςнο: Si ce mortii tai legatura are ca are trade link-ul pe profil
    ツ sεςнο: Nu are nici o legatura cu tine
    ツ sεςнο: Sau cu site-ul
    Ana "Society.gg": Dai jumatate de inv iti trimitem cutitul apoi dai restu!
    ツ sεςнο: Asa ca hai pa la revedere
    ツ sεςнο: Asteapta trade ban-ul
    ツ sεςнο: Am facut poze la tot
    Ana "Society.gg": O seara Buna!
    Ana "Society.gg": Faci cum doresti
    ツ sεςнο: kys
    Ana "Society.gg": Am facut tradeuri cu multi
    Ana "Society.gg": Si ti-am demonstrat
    ツ sεςнο: Ai trimis poze
    Ana "Society.gg": https://gyazo.com/7a2f39f845b75d66537e43a9db197a51
    ツ sεςнο: Cu tine cum depozitai cutite pe siteuri
    ツ sεςнο: Crezi ca sunt ✿✿✿✿✿✿at
    Ana "Society.gg": Ti-am dat o poza cu profilul meu de admin de pe site
    Ana "Society.gg": O seara buna!
    Ana "Society.gg" is now Offline.

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
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