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Invalid Report: 76561198404470526 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by FredMan20, Apr 14, 2021.

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  1. FredMan20

    FredMan20 New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Other] Any other fraudulent behavior
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198404470526

    Victim profile: 76561198075499550

    What happened? Description:
    Hora (at the time "1hpeu") ran from a 25 key spycrab on april 13th.
    I met this player on FirePowered community server advertising spycrabs.
    We agreed to terms and spycrabbed two times. Once for a 10 key hat and then for 15 pure.
    I lost both and payed up.
    There was a third crab for 25pure, which I won.
    Video was recorded of the whole event and at the end, there are live chats from 1hpeu, followed by him blocking me.
    In the screenshots, you can see the same chat log open and the full dialogue, including:

    him: "I think I will do 25"
    me: "ok ill do 25"
    (He wants to do it tomorrow, I explain why I'm only interested in crabbing at that moment, and not the next day.)
    (he is nervous about 25 keys, I make it clear he doesn't have to)

    him: "f✿✿✿ it lets do it"
    me: "cool"
    him: "first to 3 looses. When ready go"
    me: "yup gl man I'll record"

    him: "gl"
    "i knew it"

    This is where you see in the vid that he blocks and exits

    The next day, I added a friend of his, who said 1hpeu (now named hora) said I had the wrong account and acted like he had no idea who I was.
    This friend of hora's convinced Hora to re-add me and talk. He did and the chat log, which I never closed, picked up from the same spot as it was left, only it is visible that the name on the chat is now hora, instead of 1hpeu. IMO this is damning enough evidence to guarantee the steam accounts of Hora and 1hpeu are connected to the same steamID.
    Further, the keys I lost in the first two spycrabs can have the histories tracked via backpack.tf to show their transfer from my account to his.

    Thank you for the time, please feel free to reach out to me if you need more info.​

    Provide Evidence:
    Proof of agreement:
    screencaps of chat

    Proof of scam:
    Video of him running from spycrab. It's significant to compare the visible active chat window with the next verification of identity screencap.

    Proof of identity:
    screencap from the next day, where they pretend to not know me, but chat picks up from where it left off in youtube video and screencap 5/5.
    "Hora" is visible at the top here, in the vid it was "1hpeu"

    furthermore, there is item inventory history on backpack.tf showing the transfer of pure keys from our original 2 spycrabs with both our names on them.
    The dates on the backpack timelines line up perfectly.

    If you need any more than this please let me know. I'm very happy to cooperate.​

    him: "I think I will do 25"
    me: "ok ill do 25"
    (He wants to do it tomorrow, I explain why I'm only interested in crabbing at that moment, and not the next day.)
    (he is nervous about 25 keys, I make it clear he doesn't have to)

    him: "f✿✿✿ it lets do it"
    me: "cool"
    him: "first to 3 looses. When ready go"
    me: "yup gl man I'll record"

    him: "gl"
    "i knew it"

    This is where you see in the vid that he blocks and exits
    Logs continue next day, under new username and pretending to know nothing about the incident.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 14, 2021
  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
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