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Declined Report: 76561199363619940 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Duckwalker, Jun 24, 2024.

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  1. Duckwalker

    Duckwalker New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] PayPal scam or scam attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561199363619940

    Victim profile: 76561198005846730

    What happened? Description:
    This is the profile I did the ACTUAL trade with:
    Hidden Content:
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    But I cannot get any ids from it through any online pages. The account listed above in the forum (Bianchi) is the account contacted me and I talked with. The actual trade itself was with the account in the link (trentttta). He sent the offer through this account stating it is his "depot" account.

    This person saw me trying to sell my Huntsman Knife - Marble Fade through steam market. Contacted me for a sale and I messaged them. We agreed on a price through Steam and they wanted to switch to discord. At the discord call, we set up the trade, shared screens and he set up the paypal. He pressed "send" on paypal and then accepted the trade immediately. But, at the last second, I saw it said 0.00 on paypal, he then checked it and said must be a currency mistake because my account is in Euros. Then he sent the money through paypal and we ended the call.

    After nearly 3 hours, I have not received the funds and I contacted him. He told me his bank called him, stating it was suspicious activity. Now, his bank account is blocked and he has to transfer at least 2500$ to me in order to get it unblocked. So he was like "I will send your that money through paypal but you have to give me something first. So when the trade ban of your skins lift up, you'll send me the excess amount from the 2500 I sent you and I will give you the skins back". When I told him he is a scammer because no bank would implement such a stupid rule. I said "You tried to pay 370 and your bank stopped you, and if I were actually a malicious account, in the eyes of your bank, only way of unblocking your whole account is to transfer 2500 to that account?" He proceeded to go on a rant how he has done 2000 trades so far, his SteamRep is perfect blabla. He also kept gaslighting me with "if I were a scammer I would've deleted you already." He also pulled the classic "okay, we are done here, I am just trying to do right by you, I couldn't care less, I could go on" and when I reminded him he explained to me that only way of "unlocking his account" is to give me 2500 so he cannot go anywhere he got even angrier.

    Please, I am willing to provide whatever proof necessary. I accepted my money is gone.
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    Provide Evidence:

    [1:13 AM]
    What's up boss

    [1:14 AM]
    you interested in the knife?

    [1:14 AM]
    Is your Marble Fade still for sale since you added me back?
    And yeah, I am.

    [1:14 AM]

    [1:14 AM]
    Depends on the price if we reach a mutual.
    How much are you looking to get?

    [1:14 AM]
    you gon paypal?

    [1:14 AM]
    I can do that, sure.

    [1:15 AM]
    I can do 370

    [1:15 AM]
    It's tradeable, correct?

    [1:15 AM]
    it is

    [1:15 AM]
    Fair enough. What's your Discord username?

    [1:15 AM]

    [2:39 AM]
    hey man, I am still waiting on paypal, is it possible for you to send me a screenshot of your outgoing paypal orders/summary?
    just to ease my mind y'know

    [3:27 AM]
    if you can't paypal, wire me the money through bank or send me through western union
    both are fine

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 24, 2024
  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Sorry we do not review any evidence thru discord which you clearly went to for discussing the agreement.
    You were noted the below link prior to clicking the submit a report button but must have over looked it - please do not do so in the future.
    Please do not submit reports here without proper evidence.

    Nothing provided/showing suggests this user was or is guilty of any wrong doing per policy

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