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Accepted Report: 76561198170405514 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by TrinityXVII, Mar 29, 2017.

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  1. TrinityXVII

    TrinityXVII New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] PayPal scam or scam attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198170405514

    Victim profile: 76561198245252632

    What happened? Description:
    I posted a trade on /r/GlobalOffensiveTrade stating that I had $50 in PayPal, and I wanted to buy CS:GO Keys at $2.08 a key. ZiCu added me and said that he wanted to sell me keys at $2.08. I trusted him because we had 2 mutual friends, and he had a cash rep thread (http://steamcommunity.com/groups/CSGOREPorts/discussions/5/364039785161915375/?ctp=8). I stated that I would go first, so I sent him $52 USD in exchange for 25 keys. It converted to Euros, his currency, and he said he needed USD. He refunded the money, however it's still pending, meaning he could change that at any point. Next, I sent him another $52 USD still for the keys, upon which receiving, he blocked me and my trade offer to him became invalid. I submitted an invoice to him, which he will most likely not accept.​

    Provide Evidence:
    View attachment 538013 View attachment 538014 View attachment 538015 View attachment 538016
    I cropped the Paypal information, because I'm not giving out my bank account info or name.​

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Trinity B>Keys Via Paypal: Hey, did you add me to sell keys?
    ZiCu {Trading}: yes
    Trinity B>Keys Via Paypal: Is $2.08 per key through paypal good for you?
    Trinity B>Keys Via Paypal: I can go first since I don't have much of a rep thread
    ZiCu {Trading}: yep
    Trinity B>Keys Via Paypal: Alright, what's your paypal email?
    ZiCu {Trading}: [email protected] my paypal, tell me when you sent
    Trinity B>Keys Via Paypal: I'll send you $52 USD for 25 keys.
    ZiCu {Trading}: ok
    Trinity B>Keys Via Paypal: Sent
    Trinity B>Keys Via Paypal: You should be getting 46.73 euroes
    ZiCu {Trading}: hold on let me check it please
    ZiCu {Trading}: i need USD, you sent to convert to euros?
    Trinity B>Keys Via Paypal: You've sent €46.73 EUR to [email protected]
    Funds Availability Date: Mar 30, 2017
    You paid:$52.00 USD
    Conversion rate: 1 USD = 0.8987 EUR
    Trinity B>Keys Via Paypal: I can send you a screenshot
    ZiCu {Trading}: i know i received in euros
    ZiCu {Trading}: can i refund you, and you send me in USD still?
    ZiCu {Trading}: you have the option
    ZiCu {Trading}: so i receive in USD still
    Trinity B>Keys Via Paypal: Sure
    ZiCu {Trading}: and i need to get friends&family, right?
    Trinity B>Keys Via Paypal: I think so
    Trinity B>Keys Via Paypal: Maybe it changed because I sent it as a business
    ZiCu {Trading}: so i refund and you send USD as friends&family?
    Trinity B>Keys Via Paypal: Sure, I can do that.
    ZiCu {Trading}: ok
    ZiCu {Trading}: i refunded
    Trinity B>Keys Via Paypal: Checking rn
    Trinity B>Keys Via Paypal: Got it back, thanks
    Trinity B>Keys Via Paypal: I'll send as family and friends
    ZiCu {Trading}: ok ty
    ZiCu {Trading}: and USD
    Trinity B>Keys Via Paypal: Yep, got it sent as USD
    ZiCu {Trading}: ok let me check
    Trinity B>Keys Via Paypal: Sure
    Trinity B>Keys Via Paypal: Did you get it?
    ZiCu {Trading}: i was at bathroom, let me log in now sec
    Trinity B>Keys Via Paypal: aiight lol
    Trinity B>Keys Via Paypal: ?
    ZiCu {Trading}: send me the trade offer please
    ZiCu {Trading}: with keys
    Trinity B>Keys Via Paypal: sent
    ZiCu {Trading}: ok got it
    Trinity B>Keys Via Paypal: Great
    Trinity B>Keys Via Paypal: Any issues with the key types?
    Trinity B>Keys Via Paypal: ??
    ZiCu {Trading} is now Offline.

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Don't crop your images!
    Please provide a full screen shot of your Trade Inventory History for the last 2 days. Also need a screen shot of your Paypal ACTIVITY (not Summary) for let’s say the last several days full screen and one of each transaction you sent. DO NOT edit this shot in anyway. Upload HERE…NOT imgur, NOT gyazo or any other 3rd party hosting site!

    Review this screenshot guide to help you:

  3. TrinityXVII

    TrinityXVII New User

    inventory pt 1.JPG inventory pt2.JPG uncropped paypal.JPG Hope this helps clear anything up.
    Roudydogg1 likes this.
  4. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Missing two screenshots as requested.
  5. TrinityXVII

    TrinityXVII New User

    first payment.JPG possible refund.JPG Second payment.JPG Sorry about that.
  6. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    That's fine - have you set a charge back for the funds?
  7. TrinityXVII

    TrinityXVII New User

    I've reported the incident to PayPal. Due to the fact I sent it as family and friends, I couldn't take back the charges. I'll know if I have the money or if he does in a week.
  8. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.
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    **Hidden Content: Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of (usergroups: Administrative, Moderating).**
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