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Accepted Report: 76561198176282953 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Miney, Aug 5, 2017.

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  1. Miney

    Miney New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Rep Fraud] Impersonation with intent to defraud
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198176282953

    Victim profile: 76561198086346739

    What happened? Description:
    Added me saying he wants to buy my tf2 unusual. Told me to list on opskins.com so he can make sure its marketable. I faked listing it and he sent me a trade offer from an impersonating bot for my unusual.​

    Provide Evidence:

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    3:19 AM - Princess Laura: Hello
    3:19 AM - Princess Laura: How can i help you?
    3:19 AM - BullDoser - ref.opskins.com/SH7Y: hi mate
    3:19 AM - BullDoser - ref.opskins.com/SH7Y: im just wondering if ur up for a trade
    3:19 AM - Princess Laura: sure
    3:19 AM - Princess Laura: but uh
    3:19 AM - Princess Laura: it says you're not available to trade
    3:20 AM - BullDoser - ref.opskins.com/SH7Y: yeah
    3:20 AM - BullDoser - ref.opskins.com/SH7Y: by the way are u up for a trade? ur unusual to my pure keys?
    3:20 AM - Princess Laura: yeah
    3:20 AM - Princess Laura: 9, right?
    3:21 AM - BullDoser - ref.opskins.com/SH7Y: so u want 9 pure keys for ur Nuts n' Bolts Scotsman's Stove Pipe
    3:21 AM - Princess Laura: yes
    3:22 AM - BullDoser - ref.opskins.com/SH7Y: so we are good to deal?
    3:22 AM - Princess Laura: yeah
    3:22 AM - BullDoser - ref.opskins.com/SH7Y: Okay Give me your trade offer link let me send it
    3:22 AM - Princess Laura: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=126081011&token=agCfWiWM
    3:23 AM - BullDoser - ref.opskins.com/SH7Y: okay w8 my friend
    3:24 AM - BullDoser - ref.opskins.com/SH7Y: ok my friend? can i ask u a question?
    3:24 AM - Princess Laura: sure
    3:24 AM - BullDoser - ref.opskins.com/SH7Y: do u know opskins market?
    3:24 AM - Princess Laura: no
    3:25 AM - BullDoser - ref.opskins.com/SH7Y: okay friend
    3:26 AM - BullDoser - ref.opskins.com/SH7Y: so can u go sign in to opskins market now my friend bcoz i want to check if its listed and marketable dont worry i will guide you there
    3:26 AM - Princess Laura: ok
    3:26 AM - Princess Laura: i signed in
    3:26 AM - Princess Laura: what now?
    3:28 AM - Princess Laura: ?
    3:28 AM - BullDoser - ref.opskins.com/SH7Y: okay now click sell on the top
    okay now click sell on the top
    okay now click sell on the top
    3:28 AM - Princess Laura: ok
    3:28 AM - BullDoser - ref.opskins.com/SH7Y: okay click your Unusual and put high value on the list price like 9999$ so no one will buy it okay?
    3:29 AM - Princess Laura: why would I do that? :eek:
    3:29 AM - BullDoser - ref.opskins.com/SH7Y: okay then click next to sale queue but dont deposit okay
    3:30 AM - BullDoser - ref.opskins.com/SH7Y: just want to check if its listed and marketable my friend dont worry im legit buyer
    3:30 AM - Princess Laura: its marketable
    3:30 AM - Princess Laura: you can check using
    3:30 AM - Princess Laura: steam
    3:31 AM - Princess Laura: dontneed to list it anywhere
    3:31 AM - BullDoser - ref.opskins.com/SH7Y: cause some items are not available on opskins market and i am currently reselling items in opskins market
    3:31 AM - Princess Laura: well i can deposit it
    3:31 AM - Princess Laura: so it means its marketable
    3:31 AM - Princess Laura: im not gonna list it tho
    3:31 AM - BullDoser - ref.opskins.com/SH7Y: yeah but deposit it
    3:31 AM - Princess Laura: i wont
    3:31 AM - Princess Laura: i dont trust the site
    3:32 AM - BullDoser - ref.opskins.com/SH7Y: yeah just dont deposit
    3:32 AM - BullDoser - ref.opskins.com/SH7Y: okay friend?
    3:33 AM - Princess Laura: no
    3:33 AM - Princess Laura: i wont deposit it
    3:34 AM - BullDoser - ref.opskins.com/SH7Y: yes friend?
    3:34 AM - BullDoser - ref.opskins.com/SH7Y: did you put high value ? on the list price? 9999$
    3:35 AM - Princess Laura: i list it for 119
    3:36 AM - Princess Laura: what now?
    3:36 AM - BullDoser - ref.opskins.com/SH7Y: w8 my friend im checking it now
    3:37 AM - BullDoser - ref.opskins.com/SH7Y: by the way do u have a mobile authenticator
    3:37 AM - Princess Laura: yes
    3:37 AM - BullDoser - ref.opskins.com/SH7Y: ok good my friend
    3:37 AM - BullDoser - ref.opskins.com/SH7Y: w8 im checking it
    3:39 AM - Princess Laura: Soo
    3:39 AM - BullDoser - ref.opskins.com/SH7Y: w8 friend im currently logging in
    3:39 AM - BullDoser - ref.opskins.com/SH7Y: w8
    3:40 AM - BullDoser - ref.opskins.com/SH7Y: pm u in a few minutes
    3:40 AM - BullDoser - ref.opskins.com/SH7Y: friend just w8
    3:40 AM - Princess Laura: ...
    3:46 AM - Princess Laura: soooo
    3:48 AM - BullDoser - ref.opskins.com/SH7Y: my friend did you listed it there?
    3:48 AM - Princess Laura: yes
    3:48 AM - BullDoser - ref.opskins.com/SH7Y: what the price did you put?
    3:48 AM - Princess Laura: 119.31
    3:48 AM - BullDoser - ref.opskins.com/SH7Y: 9999$?
    3:49 AM - Princess Laura: 119.31$
    3:49 AM - BullDoser - ref.opskins.com/SH7Y: by the way dont deposit ok
    3:49 AM - Princess Laura: ok
    3:53 AM - Princess Laura: sooo
    3:53 AM - BullDoser - ref.opskins.com/SH7Y: okay now go to your steam and check if you recieve 1 notification from opskins
    3:54 AM - BullDoser - ref.opskins.com/SH7Y: did u receive?
    3:54 AM - Princess Laura: uh yes
    3:54 AM - BullDoser - ref.opskins.com/SH7Y: okay accept that and after you accept that go back to opskins site and let's see if it's marketable then if it's onsale then it's marketable you can get it back then we'll do the trade immediately
    3:55 AM - BullDoser - ref.opskins.com/SH7Y: dont forget to confirm it to your mobile so that it can be listed in opskins
    3:55 AM - Princess Laura: ok
    3:55 AM - Princess Laura: is this the account that should send me the
    3:55 AM - Princess Laura: trade offer?
    3:56 AM - Princess Laura: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198184166559
    3:57 AM - BullDoser - ref.opskins.com/SH7Y: yes my friend
    3:57 AM - BullDoser - ref.opskins.com/SH7Y: but dont forget to confirm it to your mobile
    3:57 AM - Princess Laura: but the account is online playing csgo
    3:57 AM - Princess Laura: the one i received the offer from is offline
    3:58 AM - BullDoser - ref.opskins.com/SH7Y: how many trade offer do u recieve?
    3:58 AM - Princess Laura: 1
    3:58 AM - BullDoser - ref.opskins.com/SH7Y: whats the name of the bot
    3:58 AM - BullDoser - ref.opskins.com/SH7Y: ?
    3:59 AM - Princess Laura: [OPSKINS] Bot #00255
    3:59 AM - BullDoser - ref.opskins.com/SH7Y: okay accept that my friend so that it will be listed
    3:59 AM - Princess Laura: You think im stupid?
    4:00 AM - BullDoser - ref.opskins.com/SH7Y: then confirm it to your mobile it now dont forget
    4:00 AM - Princess Laura: Do you really think im stupid?
    4:00 AM - Princess Laura: lmao
    4:00 AM - Princess Laura: f✿✿✿ you
    4:00 AM - Princess Laura: and f✿✿✿ your bot
    4:00 AM - Princess Laura: its your 2nd account
    4:01 AM - Princess Laura: and you'r just trying to scam
    4:01 AM - Princess Laura: you c✿✿✿
    4:01 AM - Princess Laura: say hi
    4:01 AM - Princess Laura: to youtube
    4:01 AM - Princess Laura: and bye
    4:01 AM - Princess Laura: to your account
    4:01 AM - BullDoser - ref.opskins.com/SH7Y is now Offline.

    Attached Files:

  2. Miney

    Miney New User

    screenshot of trade offer sent by the bot

    Attached Files:

  3. Edward.

    Edward. SteamRep Admin Donator - Tier V

    SteamRep Admin:
    Hello @Miney ,

    Please provide the following:
    • Uncropped screenshot of your incoming offer history from a web browser by hovering your mouse over the fake bot's name/avatar in question so a hypertext URL will popup in the bottom left of your browser.
    • SteamRep profile block of the fake OPSkins bot in question that sent you the offer.
    Reminder: Screenshots need to be fullscreen and unedited, check this guide: https://forums.steamrep.com/threads/screenshot-guide-requirements.157969/
  4. Miney

    Miney New User


    Attached Files:

  5. Edward.

    Edward. SteamRep Admin Donator - Tier V

    SteamRep Admin:
    @Miney ,

    Thanks for providing the requested evidence. The fake bot account is already banned but I'll move this report so an admin can finish processing it.

    Moving report to final review.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2017
  6. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Thanks - do keep in mind that this user is already banned/tagged..there isn't any more we can do to this user. Should you come across a user like this again(check users out soon as you say hello) it is best to just report them to Valve, delete and move on.
  7. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.
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