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Accepted Sorry For The Last Thread Was Not Doing It RIght +__+

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by [SSoH]Troll face, Feb 27, 2013.

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  1. [SSoH]Troll face

    [SSoH]Troll face New User


    |steamID: !!|!! Troll Face !!|!!Accept Plz​
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:28942833​
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198018151394

    Firstly I Create A New Thread And It Say Improper Format Why Is That? I Just Wan To Remove My Tag As A SR Scammer I Told You Guys The Whole Story And You Just Delete Just Like That? Some People Have Feelings And Some Are Don't. Why The Hell I Post Some Hijacked Account Wesbite? I Didn't Even Create The Website http://i.imgur.com/XCJNs.png . Why Would I Hijacked Someone Account When I Got Games That I Wan? Why Should i Hijacked Someone Account? And Why Should I Tag As A Scammer? That Because I Was >-------->'Hijacked'<------- Understand The Word Admin. I'm Not Trying To Mean To You Guys But You Guys Push It To Far. I Ask You Guys Nicely And You Guys Just Delete My Thread Just Like That? That Really Hurt My Feelings :( . Once Again Admin Don't Hurt My Feelings I Was Trying To Be Nice And Just Wan Remove As A SR Scammer Tag . Is That So Hard? I Don't Even Know How To Create A Website Or Scam Someone I'm Just A Dump 15 Years Old Dude. I Know The Feels Mark As A Scammer And A Lot Of People Wan To Remove As A Scammer. They Have Feelings And You Guys Admin Do Right? Don't Hurt Their Feelings Guys That Something not Nice To Do. Once Again This Is My Thread Admin Don't Delete Just Like That And Don't Delete The Thread When You Didn't Even Read It Ok? Thank You For Your Support And Have A Nice Day ----->HIJACKED<------
  2. SudasGalva

    SudasGalva New User

    The admin team was not trying to hurt your feelings. EVERYONE who submits an appeal or scam report must write it in the exact same format to make finding information within the report as efficient as possible. It is your responsibility to read through the how-to guide with the 'READ ME' tag at the top before posting anything.

    Also, if you were indeed hijacked, provide some evidence such as screenshots of a support ticket sent to Steam to regain your account.
  3. [SSoH]Troll face

    [SSoH]Troll face New User

  4. Starburst

    Starburst Guest

    Please resubmit the screenshots including the ticket header in a tad better resolution (you can block out your account name) also feel free to use the STG tag so only admins will see the pictures.
  5. [SSoH]Troll face

    [SSoH]Troll face New User

    Hidden Content:
    **Hidden Content: Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of (usergroups: Administrative, Moderating).**
    Sorry Was Not Good At Screenshot >.>
  6. [SSoH]Troll face

    [SSoH]Troll face New User

  7. [SSoH]Troll face

    [SSoH]Troll face New User

    Can you Do This Quickly My Trading Kinda Get Screw Up By This Tag :/ Can't Even Trade With My Brother :(
  8. Mattie!

    Mattie! SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    I'm removing your hijack tag. Based on the steam support tickets, time served, and the fact that I do not see other scam reports against your account, it's pretty clear your account was hijacked at the time of the phishing attempts.

    Sorry for the delays in handling--- your tag has been removed. Be very careful with your account.

    Here are some guides to review to help avoid getting your account hijacked:
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