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SR banned trader's offer looks legit. Do you notice anything weird?

Discussion in 'SteamRep General Discussion' started by Nox_MD, Aug 31, 2016.

  1. Nox_MD

    Nox_MD New User


    So I've been trying to cash out and sell my unusuals (some of which are relatively expensive) for a while now and I just received a paypal offer from a guy who is banned on SR and on Skial for "creating a fake middleman group for dota2lounge, dota2trader, and csgolounge", "impersonation" and "fake Middleman Scam".

    So he's obviously not the kinda guy you want to trade with and yet his offer is not crazy generous (like the ones scammers usually make) and he's offering to use an official SR middleman of my chosing for whom he'll pay the fees so...

    I'm kinda lost. On one hand I don't want to have anything to do with him because it doesn't feel safe and I don't want to lose almost a grand worth of items but on the other hand, I don't see how dealing with him with someone reputable middlemaning could go wrong so I need your help.
    Can you see the flaw in this plan?

  2. Nebras

    Nebras New User

    It's always advised to only trade with trusted people, however keep in mind that he can refund any paypal payment at any time, even if you used a middleman.
    if you don't feel safe with any trade, you should probably not do it, it's your decision anyway
  3. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    SR does not have any middleman, anyone who says otherwise is trying to scam you. Since you say his banned for fake middleman scamming, its almost cretin hes actually trying to scam you.
  4. Nox_MD

    Nox_MD New User

    Thanks for your answer but isn't there some sort of limit in time to ask for a chargeback (I'm genuinely asking)? And if so, isn't the point of using a middleman to make sure he doesn't receive my items until said chargeback limit has been reached?
    Because I know something's fishy: he's a banned scammer, he wants to buy my unusuals and yet has 0 hours put into TF2, etc.
    But I just thought that the middleman could hold onto my items until a point where I'm sure he can't charge me back anymore... and then give him the items.
  5. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    SR does not have any middleman, anyone who says otherwise is trying to scam you. No legitmate community middleman would middleman for a scammer either. Since you say his banned for fake middleman scamming, its almost cretin hes actually trying to scam you.

    Dont do it, you are about to be scammed by him.
  6. Nox_MD

    Nox_MD New User

    What is this list then? https://steamrep.com/list/M
    'Cause that's what I was planning on using but I might have gotten it wrong.
    He didn't even give me that link, I just went on SR and found that tab.
  7. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    SR does not have any middleman, anyone who says otherwise is trying to scam you. No legitimate community middleman would middleman for a scammer either.

    Since you say his banned for fake middleman scamming, its almost cretin hes actually trying to scam you.

    Dont do it, you are about to be scammed by him.
  8. Nox_MD

    Nox_MD New User

    That's a fair point, though I don't mind wasting an hour asking to each of them if they'd be willing to do it. I mean, they don't have much to lose, do they?
  9. Nox_MD

    Nox_MD New User

    Well nothing to lose but time, ofc.
  10. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

  11. Nox_MD

    Nox_MD New User

    You're missing my point but I guess that doesn't stop you from calling me stupid.
    I'm not asking you wether or not I should do it, I'm a grown man and I don't care about your opinion. I want facts.

    My question is: "say I find a reputable middleman who agrees to MM for us, does paypal have a time limit for requesting chargebacks? Cause in that case the middleman can just hold onto my items until then".

    The answer should either be "Yes" or "No", not "don't do it, he a scammer. You stupid. /done"
  12. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    You won't find a reputable middleman to agree to that - no REPUTABLE middleman in their right mind will middleman for a tagged scammer.
    That is what YATO said - you are not listening though. You are hell bent on doing the deal cause its a good deal out of greed and being impatient.
    We can't stop you - but we can advise you at which that is what we did.
    This is your choice - we've given you the advice, how you use it is entirely up to you at this point.
    Roudydogg1 likes this.
  13. Lava

    Lava Public Relations SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    1. Guy comes to me with deal too good to be true. I gotta jump on this quick!
    2. Uh-oh... he's marked on SteamRep. What's that for? Fake middleman scams? Well, I don't know what that means, but he's offering PayPal, so I guess it's safe... right?
    3. Hmm... maybe if I just bring in a middleman to hold items until I get paid, I can safely ignore all those warnings about him being a scammer about to steal my stuff.
    4. It's so simple. Why hasn't anyone thought of it?
    Marked scammer known for fake middleman scams, and OP is looking for a middleman to trade with said marked scammer. I wonder what will happen...
    Sjru likes this.
  14. Nebras

    Nebras New User

    anyway, remember to take screenshots before you close the chat, y'know, for the report you'll submit, which will mean nothing.
  15. Salmon

    Salmon Caution on SteamRep

    The time limit for a chargeback is about a year. They say six months but I've seen cases of almost a year before.

    He is just going to use an impersonator. It's not worth your time.

    Any cash offer that is higher than 60% of market value of an item is a scam.
  16. Nox_MD

    Nox_MD New User

    Thank you for being the only one to finally answer my question!
    God, what is it with people who have such a high opinion of themselves that they think their advice is always needed.

    I DO NOT care about your opinion. I asked a simple question, either answer it(or at least try to) or don't.

    And yes I know he is a scammer trying to scam me but I was just trying to see if I could 'beat him to his own game' (i.e. trade with him and not get scammed, not scam him myself) and I was just trying to assess the risks here.
    But no, you just think you're so smart and I'm so dumb that I didn't see he was trying to scam me so instead of answering me, you're just stating the obvious over and over again.
    But hey, you're an admin on SR so you must know more about trading than any other person to have ever walked the earth.

    This has nothing to do with greediness as I have turned down countless offers in the past (some for items worth three times this one), I've been trying to cash out for a year already so I'm clearly in no rush but I just happened to find a scammer who could potentially be dumb enough to spend money against his will if I manage to find a willing MM so I'm just trying to play his game and win (well I won't if I have to wait at least 6 months to be safe).

    It only took hours and about 15 posts on this thread to finally get an answer but hey, that's because I'm stupid.
  17. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    He didn't answer your question - he guessed.
    Ask Paypal if you wanted to know the answer to that question. You posted on an anti-fraud site for a paypal question then wanna give us hell for trying to protect you which our purpose is to educate.
    I do believe we've HELPED you enough here for a question you could have gotten a exact answer from Paypal.
  18. Lava

    Lava Public Relations SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    I'm sorry you feel that way, I don't think anything was meant to come off as condescending or holier-than-thou.

    Impersonation scammers often do this for a living. Some have been at it for well over a year, coming on 2 years I think. They are very crafty, and very experienced. I have personally seen many traders still get scammed because they thought they could outsmart a scammer. Some even while talking to the real admin or middleman. The person who taught me how to trade, with a backpack in the thousands, ended up scammed by one of them, while I served at SteamRep. Realistically speaking, you probably wouldn't have ever gotten to the point of a chargeback. That's why everyone here urged you not to trade. Scammers are well prepared for people who know they're not legit, and like to lead such victims into believing they'll outsmart the scammer, with impressive rates of still scamming.

    I would implore you to think about this from an admin's perspective. Many of us field several random friend requests per day from soon-to-be victims, and scammers have well-written scripts they follow for that. It's an increasingly uphill battle to convince victims not to do something unsafe, and in your case looking for a middleman was about the single most dangerous thing you could have done.
  19. Roudydogg1

    Roudydogg1 SteamRep Admin Friend Community

    SteamRep Admin:
    To be honest you asked "SR banned trader's offer looks legit. Do you notice anything weird" and also your 1-2 questions in your thread. Why ask a question if you were going to get offended when people try to answer it? Makes no sense :rolleyes:
    Enstage likes this.
  20. Salmon

    Salmon Caution on SteamRep

    Scammers have zero risk because they will never put up anything they can lose. You can't win what doesn't exist.