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Switching out weapons for another Float in counteroffer

Discussion in 'SteamRep General Discussion' started by Bob Ross 7, Sep 8, 2019.

  1. Bob Ross 7

    Bob Ross 7 New User

    Hey guys,

    this time, before i file a report Ill rather double-check with asking.
    I traded a guy (Let's call him Matt) today, offering him Gun X + 20 Keys for Knife Y. (I'll avoid any certain names or skins to avoid naming and shaming, the situation will still be understandable.)
    Matt had Knife X 2 times in his inventory, once with a 0.002 float and once with a 0.023 float, both factory new, but one considerably better.
    I offered Gun X + 20 Keys for his Knife X with the better float, he countered with a counteroffer offering me Knife X (with the worse float not mentioning it) and added a 20 cent skin. Now, adding a 20 cent skin to make me think I'll overpay now, while i was already overpaying for 8 keys before on my offer, is a pretty pathetic statement already, but he mentioned nowhere he switched out the knives, i think he got them for exactly that purpose.

    Now my question is, can i somehow "recover" the old trade? I already wrote the steam support, also can i report him for the float-switchout on steamrep?

    I hope, the scenario was understandable.
  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    The only way we would review a report for something along the lines of a switchout is if you had in the formal agreement noted in raw steam chat screenshots saying exactly what item and what float value was to be agreed upon.
    Otherwise we would have no idea what was going on or what the deal was for.
    Steam Support from what I know won't reverse trades anymore...they give you multiple chances to confirm the trade to ensure its done properly.
  3. Bob Ross 7

    Bob Ross 7 New User

    Okay. i thought it might count as attempted trade scam switching out the items without mentioning it.
    Thanks for the really quick reply though.
  4. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    It would if you could prove it the way I told you. Without the formal agreement noted on steam chat screenshots of exactly what was agreed upon item and float value then you don't have much to stand on here with any report.
    I'm afraid your gonna have to chalk it up to a bad experience and try to learn from it and avoid the situation in the future.