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Video but no screenshots

Discussion in 'SteamRep General Discussion' started by rekon, Jan 16, 2023.

  1. rekon

    rekon New User

    Got approached by a scammer, took a video right after the scam attempt ended with shadowplay, so I only have the last 5 minutes of it in which it's just the chat open and nothing else. After I went on here to report him I found out that I need a full screenshot of the entire chat which I don't have access to anymore, only the logs. Am I out of luck here? I could prove that it was indeed this person by showing my chat logs and matching it with the ones I have recorded in the video.
  2. a Gentleman

    a Gentleman SteamRep Moderator Partner Community Donator - Tier V

    If your shadowplay recording is a fullscreen recording, you may be able to provide enough evidence in the form of screenshots from the fullscreen video for a staff member to properly review your report.
    If you do end up submitting a report, please do mention that your screenshot evidence was sourced from a shadowplay screen recording - be as transparent as possible.
    In a situation like this, it will be up to the reviewing staff member to determine whether the quality of evidence that you provided is enough to proceed.

    Keep in mind that your evidence will need to satisfy the three elements from the Report Submission Fundamentals: Proof of Agreement, Proof of Transaction, and Proof of Identity.