1. SteamRep is shutting down at the end of 2024. See announcement.

READ ME What constitutes reputation.

Discussion in 'SteamRep Guides' started by DataStorm, Oct 12, 2012.

  1. DataStorm

    DataStorm Retired Staff

    Due that a lot of Steam users use their profile to receive reps, I've made the below guide.

    First of all, to be clear: Any Steam Profile "reputation" is useless to gauge their trustworthiness.

    Problems with Steam Profile rep:
    • Moderator is the owner of the profile, any "bad" rep (s)he can delete at will.
    • There is no verification of actually having 2 different people commenting, so alternate accounts often have put up a bunch of "+rep" on the account, while no trade or relevant trade for reputation ever took place.
    • Profile reps are sold, often for a reclaimed or even less.
    • Scammers often give their other scammer buddies a "+rep" to help them on their way to scam other ppl.
    So, where to look for Reputation?
    • Look the person up on SteamRep, check that the person has no Scammer tag. by copying the profile URL into SteamRep in the search bar, and click the "Search" button.
      • Due the backlog on SR to mark people, the following is also important..
      • Once you see a clean profile, just above the friends list, under "Search Engine Queries" will be a link with "SR 7656xxxxxxx". Click that.
      • Check the results, and read the topics found if any.
    • Is he saying that he is a Valve "admin" or "VAC Admin" or w/e ? If it where really so, it will be shown on SteamRep, Valve Employees have purple tags on SteamRep. There is no other affiliation possible. Only Valve employees have access. Valve doesn't "outsource" or w/e construction that is made up by anybody.
    • Ask the other person for reputation threads on communities, like UTC, SOP, SKIAL, etc, see front page of SR for a long list of communities that are known to be anti-scammer. And please, PLEASE, verify if they are REALLY owner of that thread, impersonators are all around, and often all that is different is the custom URL and the ID32/ID64. Verification can be done in multiple ways:
      • You making a account on that Community, and that person sending you a PM (private Message) from the linked forum account.
      • Check the person's SteamRep ID block to be matching that of the person talking to you (you can click the links in it, to open their profile, steamrep profile and check it vs the person you talk to). For this their profile should be public. Things you should check:
        • Profile URL should been given a good hard look.
        • Steam Join date (should not be of the last couple months preferably).
        • Playing hours (should be more then the 3 hours in last 2 weeks of the total)
        • Should have more then 1 game, the more the better. Please understand that there about 30 Free 2 Play games on Steam, including TF2.
        • Steam badges, there should be a bunch of badges there
        • Have a look here too: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/12972/

    The only valid rep given is:
    • Only trades with PayPal or other forms of Money involved. (There is no risk involved in items vs items trading, so what is the rep for then with those???)
    • The trader receiving the money or items first gets the rep. ( That trader could have run, but didn't).
    • Listed on the rep thread of the receiver on a trading community's forum, like SOP or UTC, or one of the many others. (I'm sorry, but I'm excluding the "steam discussion forums" that are part of steam groups, for a number of reasons)
    • Please DO READ the Community's rules where the rep threads reside, there are some which are very strict in how this is handled, and their guidelines are mandatory on the respective community.
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    Example: Trader A sells a buds for 30 dollar, Trader B wants to buy it. B pays first, and A gives the buds after. Trader A gets the rep for he could have run with the money.

    A +rep is only useful when it is stated who gave what, and who went first. An example:
    Properties of that:
    • The guy going first gives the rep
    • The trade is mentioned for what amount was exchanged, and who got what.
    If a MM is involved, both traders can only rep the MM. For he's the one that could have ran

    PS: MM ONLY holds the Steam Items, NEVER the money.

    • Never give rep for a trade that didn't happen.
    • If rep isn't showing above info and not on a Community forum, its not accountable to be true.
    • The rep showing that info named above (items/price), gives a indication of the trust level. Its a big difference to have far spaced out bigger trades for a lot of money vs a lot of small trades only in the last couple days. I rather see the big reps, for those indicate more.
    • If somebody has a bunch of high value trade reps, but those are only of the last couple days, that should turn your spider sense on...
  2. Elle Christof

    Elle Christof New User

    Hi! good day, someone who assist me through my reports on steamrep. Here's the accused | steamID32: [U:1:149779429]
  3. Lava

    Lava Public Relations SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    a Gentleman likes this.
  4. Captinpixles [Trading]

    Captinpixles [Trading] New User

    So if somebody comments "ill rep you if you rep me" will that solicit a warning/ban? I wan't to report somebody but am not sure if Its valid
  5. SilentReaper(SR)

    SilentReaper(SR) Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    We're really not looking at profile reps. Not for marking/offenses. Unless that is part of the trade agreement in a scam.
  6. LuQus

    LuQus New User

    What about if say: (on Dota's new gifting system) person A gifts person B a high value item, then does it constitute a valid rep that A repp's B when B returns the trade? (there is risk involved)
    You Are The One likes this.
  7. SilentReaper(SR)

    SilentReaper(SR) Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Yeah, it probably would. This guide is however to let people think about actual reputation hosted on one of the partners or elsewhere where they hold reputation threads. Those communities will have their own rules regarding those and what they consider "valid" for their forums.
  8. FleXxiZm| CSGORumble.com

    FleXxiZm| CSGORumble.com New User

    What every you DO?!!?, DO NOT ADD GARRET as a middleman, he just scames you!. so f✿✿✿ this s✿✿✿ site. all fake
  9. SilentReaper(SR)

    SilentReaper(SR) Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    @FleXxiZm| CSGORumble.com

    Please complete the following steps, exactly as written, in order:

    1. Go to your trade history from in your web browser. https://steamcommunity.com/my/inventoryhistory
    2. Scroll down to the trade in question. It may be on a different page, but that's fine; just open the page which has this particular trade.
    3. Hover your mouse over the name of the person who received your item(s).
    4. With your mouse still over the name from step 3, take a full, uncropped screenshot, and save it to your desktop without making any edits.
    5. Right-click the name of the person who received your item(s) from the trade history page, and select Copy Link Address (Chrome), Copy Link Location (Firefox), or Copy shortcut (Internet Explorer).
    6. Go to SteamRep.com and paste that link into the Search field. If a warning opens up (which may or may not happen), click "I understand".
    7. Copy and Paste the full text from the box below the profile picture that comes up into your next reply. You can click the "Copy Info" button on the SteamRep profile page from step 6.
    8. Upload your screenshot from step 4 as an attachment.
    9. Post your reply, including both step 7 and 8.
    Do NOT paste links that look like this: https://steamcommunity.com/id/mattie because those links can change, and they are not easily searchable.

    Do NOT look up the accused's profile from the admin/middleman lists, or from any other website. We need you to provide the link exactly as it comes up following the instructions above.
    Do include the full SteamRep block derived from the Steam community URL.
  10. Lava

    Lava Public Relations SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Please review the following before submitting a report: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/...man-admin-listed-on-steamrep-what-now.121100/

    Garrett had a warning on his SteamRep profile containing instructions to confirm you weren't dealing with one of the thousands of profiles that copied his to scam. Did you follow those instructions?
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  11. SilentReaper(SR)

    SilentReaper(SR) Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Hidden Content:
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  12. buzaglo

    buzaglo New User

    Thanks for posting this!
  13. Nebras

    Nebras New User

    I'd like to add, that at least for me, steam badges, hours played and profile level means even less than profile comments when it comes to rep, you can get a high level profile for absolutely free (I am level 32 on Steam and I have never paid a cent, could level up to 50 but decided to trade them instead), and you can get over 100 recent hours in less than a day just by idling
  14. [P2P]KobusNL

    [P2P]KobusNL New User

    I still got scammed by somebody who uses The steam trading card method. And he had alot of people saying he goes first. And f✿✿✿ valve for not giving items back
  15. SilentReaper(SR)

    SilentReaper(SR) Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    They stopped doing that for it got abused by hijackers having loads of accounts, and then jack up a account with a lot of stuff, then "hijack" the account, and got a "free" doubling of whatever they had... It ended all the fake hijack tickets for items. Also other form abuse was that people claimed to have been scammed but had "buyers remorse" as valve calls it, and wanted their items back via support.

    TF2 and DotA2 economy got basically killed by the duplicates of all the items going around, and Valve wanted to end the issue where items where no longer unique. It got so ridiculous that some TF2 Unusual items have currently like 20+ copies due this. In DotA2 there are some colored items that where "guaranteed" unique, but via this route those popular got duped a lot.

    With so much abuse for that, the value of the items to the users went down way faster then should, and people wanted their items to be unique.

    Also, the way valve "duplicates" made the history on various sites "dirty" for the items look a lot more traded due there being a lot more of the same "serial number".

    Personally, I'm glad they stopped doing that, due the steam guard being there and trade protection options etc. So if you are protective of your account, you wont lose your items. Outside steam trading? right... that is THEIR risk they are taking, and we try to provide more information to traders regarding those that do scam here. It is up to you to inform and secure your payment and that the trade is going uneventful. If someone isn't informed about something, and doesn't know about the subject, why are they trading then?

    It is the trader's informed risk of losing their items/money or w/e. That is not Valve's responsibility, its the TRADERS responsibility. If you get robbed on the street, and you go to the police or w/e, and make a report etc, you won't get refunded.

    PS: yeah, you can make a insurance against such, but that requires a monthly payment relative to the worth you are saying to carry with you. The payout will however never be 100% of what you paid for those items.... you just have to consider the loss in there and calculate that into your prices....
  16. koiso

    koiso New User

    thx 4 guide :)
  17. MEOW! 2

    MEOW! 2 New User

    Today I have been scammed. I lost my $ 160 butterfly knife for this account
  18. Lava

    Lava Public Relations SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
  19. MEOW! 2

    MEOW! 2 New User

  20. derfy

    derfy New User

    When you make a report, use the 'Upload a File' button to attach that image.

    Be sure and make a new report and don't just reply in this thread!