1. There is no such thing as a "pending" ban or Steam admin. Anyone threatening your account is a scammer trying to scare you. Read more.

Pending Report: 76561198097657353 - (EddieeeGames / [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by Obama Cage Trollodan, Apr 20, 2014.

  1. Obama Cage Trollodan

    Obama Cage Trollodan New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] PayPal scam or scam attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198097657353 (EddieeeGames)

    Victim profile: 76561197972350269

    What happened? Description:
    Added me from outpost and wanted to buy my 2 scout hats for $380 total over Paypal. Much like this post here http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/...eddieeegames-tf2-team-fortress-2-items.62463/. He asked for my email and full name and said he needed to do a check on me? I questioned it as I was suspicious but continued. He then went afk for about 10 minutes (during which I believe he made a photo shopped image that was sent) He provided a screenshot of a supposed Paypal receipt and told me the payment had been sent and is being processed. I told him I'm just being careful and then said I was making him suspicious for asking questions.. We traded because I had no idea something like this could be photo shopped, which I guess was my own fault. In short, he has my 2 hats, I got nothing. I tried talking to him but I get ignored now, and my hat is also up for sale on outpost, which has my original idea on it.​

    Provide Evidence:
    View attachment 71530 The Receipt
    View attachment 71531 His Pay pal

    Obama Cage Trollodan: hey
    Obama Cage Trollodan: you added?
    EddieeeGames: Yes I was wondering if BOTH of your scout unusals are for sale?
    Obama Cage Trollodan: they could be if you offer well enough? :)
    EddieeeGames: You accept paypal
    Obama Cage Trollodan: What's your offer?
    EddieeeGames: Hold on
    EddieeeGames: Idk what price I should set for your fed fedora
    EddieeeGames: Since I can't get an estimate from bp.tf
    Obama Cage Trollodan: Well put it this way
    Obama Cage Trollodan: The biggest offer i had was 6 buds
    EddieeeGames: How about $380?
    Obama Cage Trollodan: For both?
    EddieeeGames: Yeah
    Obama Cage Trollodan: can you make it 400? maybe i can throw something in
    EddieeeGames: Like?
    Obama Cage Trollodan: Take a look
    EddieeeGames: +your bills?
    EddieeeGames: For $400
    Obama Cage Trollodan: Would prefer not to sell my bills tbh
    EddieeeGames: Ah
    EddieeeGames: then idk
    Obama Cage Trollodan: The 380 would be okay
    EddieeeGames: Alright
    EddieeeGames: Can we do the deal later?
    EddieeeGames: I need to go in like 15 minutes
    Obama Cage Trollodan: Oh right
    Obama Cage Trollodan: Sure thing
    Obama Cage Trollodan: One question
    EddieeeGames: I'll contact you then
    Obama Cage Trollodan: How do i know you're not gunna scam me or retract it?
    EddieeeGames: Well have you got any rep?
    EddieeeGames: SOP
    Obama Cage Trollodan: No i havn't, but i noticed you have 2 banned friends?
    EddieeeGames: Who??
    Obama Cage Trollodan: It says on your steamrep page
    EddieeeGames: Ah idk
    EddieeeGames: I just added them for trades
    Obama Cage Trollodan: Oh ok
    EddieeeGames: but trust me I won't chargeback or scam
    EddieeeGames: I can go first and if you want I'll put a note
    Obama Cage Trollodan: No offense, but you cant expect me to trust you just from saying to
    Obama Cage Trollodan: I dont mean to seem like a douche, but you can understand me being careful
    EddieeeGames: Well if you can't trust me I guess you'll have to have better luck selling elsewhere.
    EddieeeGames: And yes I understand and respect your decision
    Obama Cage Trollodan: Would you send the paypal as a gift/ instant?
    EddieeeGames: yes
    EddieeeGames: For family/friends
    Obama Cage Trollodan: Okay
    Obama Cage Trollodan: Later you said?
    EddieeeGames: Yeah I have to go now
    EddieeeGames: See you :)
    Obama Cage Trollodan: See you later
    Obama Cage Trollodan: Let me know when you're back
    Obama Cage Trollodan: im sure i'll be here
    EddieeeGames is now Online.
    Obama Cage Trollodan: Hey
    Obama Cage Trollodan: You still up for it?
    EddieeeGames: Yes but in about 45 minutes time?
    Obama Cage Trollodan: Sure
    EddieeeGames is now Online.
    Your state is set to Offline.
    EddieeeGames is now Offline.
    Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
    Connected again and rejoined chat.
    EddieeeGames is now Online.
    Obama Cage Trollodan: Hey are you there? I need to go soon
    EddieeeGames: Yeah we can trade now
    Obama Cage Trollodan: Okay
    EddieeeGames: Btw I can't see up the chat
    EddieeeGames: What was the price again?
    Obama Cage Trollodan: you said $380
    EddieeeGames: For both hats right?
    Obama Cage Trollodan: Yerp
    EddieeeGames: Ok first, can I have your paypal?
    EddieeeGames: And the first + last name on your paypal
    EddieeeGames: For a background check
    Obama Cage Trollodan: Background check where? I thought you only needed my email?
    EddieeeGames: Yeah but I need it to check if that email has been associated with any scams but also to check if it everified
    EddieeeGames: I promise I won't share the info with anyone else
    Obama Cage Trollodan: [email protected]
    EddieeeGames: and I guess first name Andrew last name Hughes?
    EddieeeGames: On your paypal
    Obama Cage Trollodan: Yeah
    EddieeeGames: Alright I sent the payment
    EddieeeGames: Sorry I took so long
    EddieeeGames: I was afk for a bit
    Obama Cage Trollodan: No problem
    Obama Cage Trollodan: Does it show up instant or take a while?
    EddieeeGames: It will usually take a while because it's being transferred from my bank
    EddieeeGames: But I can provide reciept?
    Obama Cage Trollodan: I'll take a look but wont be doing anything until its there
    EddieeeGames: http://imgur.com/jaqbHaZ
    EddieeeGames: Why?
    EddieeeGames: It says 'processing'
    EddieeeGames: So it's sent
    Obama Cage Trollodan: Did you send it as a gift?
    EddieeeGames: Yes
    EddieeeGames: It's coming to you bro
    EddieeeGames: You're making me nervous by making me wait thit slong... O.O
    EddieeeGames: *this
    Obama Cage Trollodan: Relax dude, its just alot easier for you to walk away with something than me because the money can be taken back
    Obama Cage Trollodan: You seem like a nice guy
    Obama Cage Trollodan: Just making sure is all
    EddieeeGames: No offense dude but you do know that once a payment is processing I can't take it back?
    EddieeeGames: https://www.paypal-community.com/t5...celling-a-Processing-transaction/td-p/264134]
    EddieeeGames: From the PayPal website
    EddieeeGames: I'm not lying bro XD
    Obama Cage Trollodan: The page has a error
    Obama Cage Trollodan: Can you send the page before so i can click on that link?
    EddieeeGames: https://www.google.co.uk/search?new....7.0....0...1c.1.41.serp..2.5.592.bg7FGIiE9eg
    EddieeeGames: my google search
    EddieeeGames: go on the paypal-community page
    EddieeeGames: It says it
    EddieeeGames: See it?
    Obama Cage Trollodan: Yeah i do
    EddieeeGames: So can we please trade?
    Obama Cage Trollodan: Can never be too careful, sorry
    EddieeeGames: I paid my money dude...
    EddieeeGames: Now do your part man.
    EddieeeGames: Thank you
    EddieeeGames: ?
    Obama Cage Trollodan: There you go
    EddieeeGames: Thank you sir :)
    EddieeeGames: Would you mind leaving some rep on ym profile?
    Obama Cage Trollodan: Your steam?
    EddieeeGames: Yeah
    EddieeeGames: Say something along the lines of a paypal trade
    EddieeeGames: It would help gain my rep
    Obama Cage Trollodan: Sure, and you?
    EddieeeGames: I will later ok?
    Obama Cage Trollodan: Oh why not now?
    EddieeeGames: I have to feed my little bro XD
    Obama Cage Trollodan: Oh okay np
    Obama Cage Trollodan: Hope you enjoy :)
    EddieeeGames: Thanks you too :)
    Obama Cage Trollodan: Hey dude
    Obama Cage Trollodan: What's this?
    Obama Cage Trollodan: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/...eddieeegames-tf2-team-fortress-2-items.62463/
    Obama Cage Trollodan: Hello?
    Obama Cage Trollodan: The fact you're not replying doesn't help
    Obama Cage Trollodan: If the payment isn't there in the morning im reporting you dude, and the fact someone else has just reported you with the same story doesn't seem good

    I was away over the weekend but before I went I saved the chat into a notepad because I knew steam doesn't always keep the full chat, this was the entire chat above. ^

    View attachment 71533 The trade on outpost

    View attachment 71536 His post on there

    View attachment 71537 The new trade on his page, with my original ID​

    Attached Files:

  2. Not Batman

    Not Batman New User

    Hi there, thought I could be of assistance in this. Same guy added me and tried to buy my nappers, I thought it suspicious since he was overpaying in pure but thought, eh what the hell. Hes going first.[​IMG]
    annnd heres that picture. which as you can see shows nothing about any canceled payments/sent payments of the amount in this conversation[​IMG]