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Archived 76561198031982681 Skullcandy

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Santa Hitler Clause, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. Santa Hitler Clause

    Santa Hitler Clause New User

    |steamID: Gangster Hitler
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:31475716
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198023217160
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198023217160?t=1358013716

    |steamID: Skullcandy
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:35858476
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198031982681
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/76561198031982681
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198031982681?t=1357837124

    Hello, Before you decline this one please read the full chat log. Along with this here is my complaint: I was going to trade with this guy for a Green Energy TC. My offer was Scorching Jefe + Scorching Nappers + Blizz TC. Now on my part it may seem like a misconception, but its not. I'd like to point out two parts of the chat for proof. Now he told me of this 2 day back policy, and after the trade totally forgot about it and would not give me the hats back.

    The "Policy":
    Gangster Hitler: Ok so
    Gangster Hitler: If I trade it
    Gangster Hitler: Can I trade back when I want?
    Skullcandy: 2 Days policy.
    Gangster Hitler: So I have to wait 2 days?
    Skullcandy: if you havent got back to me in 2 days
    Skullcandy: no, no
    Skullcandy: if you dont get back to me in 2 days
    Skullcandy: means no more
    Skullcandy: so , you have 2 days
    Skullcandy: to decide whether you should trade back or not
    Gangster Hitler: Oh ok. Lets trade then.
    Skullcandy: when you're ready.
    Gangster Hitler: Ill be able to trade this all back Correct?
    Skullcandy: yes, 2 days policy only.
    (Also he said he would not trade them)
    Gangster Hitler: If I wait 24hrs Are you selling my hats?
    Skullcandy: no im not

    Before the Trade and a few seconds after:
    Gangster Hitler: Ill be able to trade this all back Correct?
    Skullcandy: yes, 2 days policy only.
    Gangster Hitler: Ok.
    Skullcandy is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    Gangster Hitler: Thanks

    Minutes after the Trade itself:
    Gangster Hitler: BUT THE POLICY!
    Gangster Hitler: DUDE
    Gangster Hitler: COMON!
    Gangster Hitler: PLEASE
    Skullcandy: Policy?
    Skullcandy: I don't understand..
    Gangster Hitler: Dude!
    Skullcandy: Thanks for the trade, enjoy your time. goodluck
    Full chat:

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Skullcandy: Do you own this server?
    Gangster Hitler: Admin on it
    Skullcandy: whos admin
    Gangster Hitler: Me.
    Gangster Hitler: Bubba is head admin
    Skullcandy: I mean, who owns it
    Gangster Hitler: Well
    Gangster Hitler: AMM | Dynasty
    Skullcandy: El jefe + Nappers + 4.
    Gangster Hitler: If I had 4 buds sure
    Skullcandy: unusuals.
    Gangster Hitler: Nah.
    Gangster Hitler: I rather just do Jefe + TC
    Skullcandy: na lol
    Skullcandy: i mean most ppl want 25 for the tc
    Skullcandy: you are paying me 28
    Skullcandy: with unuusl
    Skullcandy: jefe + nappers + tc
    Gangster Hitler: Can we do a try on?
    Skullcandy: but i cut it down
    Skullcandy: to 24.
    Skullcandy: what do you mean
    Skullcandy: 2 days trade back policy?
    Gangster Hitler: No like
    Gangster Hitler: I give you the Jefe+Nappers + TC to TRY ON and you give me your TC to TRY ON and we trade back
    Skullcandy: yep
    Skullcandy: :/
    Gangster Hitler: We can?
    Skullcandy: wanna see the 2 day trade back policy
    Skullcandy: go around, see the offers you get
    Gangster Hitler: Sure.
    Skullcandy: if you dont get good ones
    Skullcandy: we can trade back
    Gangster Hitler: I just want to try it on.
    Skullcandy: thats extending my history on the hat
    Skullcandy: i cant do that because iots clean lol
    Gangster Hitler: Same thing with the 2 day trade back thing
    Skullcandy: yeh but most of the time
    Skullcandy: you keep it, because you do get offers
    Skullcandy: so many ppl just stare at you
    Gangster Hitler: Eh.
    Skullcandy: you want to work out a deal
    Skullcandy: before you leav?E
    Gangster Hitler: Sure
    Gangster Hitler: I can see what I can do
    Skullcandy is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    Skullcandy is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    Skullcandy is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    Skullcandy: huhuh?
    Gangster Hitler: Ok so
    Gangster Hitler: If I trade it
    Gangster Hitler: Can I trade back when I want?
    Skullcandy: 2 Days policy.
    Gangster Hitler: So I have to wait 2 days?
    Skullcandy: if you havent got back to me in 2 days
    Skullcandy: no, no
    Skullcandy: if you dont get back to me in 2 days
    Skullcandy: means no more
    Skullcandy: so , you have 2 days
    Skullcandy: to decide whether you should trade back or not
    Gangster Hitler: Oh ok. Lets trade then.
    Skullcandy: when you're ready.
    Gangster Hitler: Ill be able to trade this all back Correct?
    Skullcandy: yes, 2 days policy only.
    Gangster Hitler: Ok.
    Skullcandy is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    Gangster Hitler: Thanks
    Skullcandy: also 1 day min to trade back, you cant trade next 2 hrs trade back. you have to wait 24 hrs min.
    Gangster Hitler: Wait wait wait
    Gangster Hitler: HOLD UP
    Gangster Hitler: You never told me
    Gangster Hitler: :/
    Gangster Hitler: I would like my hats back
    Skullcandy: it doesnt really change anything lol
    Gangster Hitler: Yes it does.
    Gangster Hitler: I would Like my hats back
    Skullcandy: 24 hrs.
    Gangster Hitler: Dude
    Gangster Hitler: Give me my hats back
    Gangster Hitler: You never told me
    Gangster Hitler: If I wait 24hrs Are you selling my hats?
    Skullcandy: no im not
    Gangster Hitler: :/
    Gangster Hitler: I want my hats back
    Gangster Hitler: You told me the 24 hour thing after the trade
    Skullcandy: gotta wait 24 hrs
    Skullcandy: i was typing it
    Skullcandy: lol
    Gangster Hitler: Dude.
    Skullcandy: I dont have to give you hats back.
    Skullcandy: 24 hrs
    Gangster Hitler: Will you be selling my htas
    Gangster Hitler: *hats
    Skullcandy: NO.
    Gangster Hitler: Could you type that in chat for verifacation?
    Skullcandy: what
    Gangster Hitler: That after 24 hours you will trade me my hats back and also you wont sell off the three unusuals I've given you
    Skullcandy: yep
    Skullcandy: i already did
    Gangster Hitler: Type it
    Gangster Hitler: Like type it out
    Skullcandy: i already did? lol
    Gangster Hitler: Type it out again. The full thing
    Skullcandy is now Online.
    Gangster Hitler: :/ I can trust you?
    Gangster Hitler: Hello.
    Skullcandy: yeh
    Gangster Hitler: And you WONT sell my hats?
    Gangster Hitler: Answer please.
    Gangster Hitler: Hello.
    Gangster Hitler: HELLO
    Gangster Hitler: Answer....
    Gangster Hitler: DUDE
    Skullcandy: interested in a killer exclusive erie?
    Gangster Hitler: Answer.
    Gangster Hitler: The
    Gangster Hitler: Question
    Gangster Hitler: Will you sell off my hats?
    Skullcandy: they're mine? lol.
    Skullcandy is now playing Counter-Strike. Click here to join.
    Skullcandy is now playing Counter-Strike. Click here to join.
    Skullcandy is now playing Counter-Strike. Click here to join.
    Gangster Hitler: Answer me please man.
    Gangster Hitler: I dont like this TC I just want my hats back
    Gangster Hitler: Please I worked up hard to get them I dont like this TC at all...
    Skullcandy: Trade is done
    Gangster Hitler: BUT THE POLICY!
    Gangster Hitler: DUDE
    Gangster Hitler: COMON!
    Gangster Hitler: PLEASE
    Skullcandy: Policy?
    Skullcandy: I don't understand..
    Gangster Hitler: Dude!
    Skullcandy: Thanks for the trade, enjoy your time. goodluck ;)
    Skullcandy: Sorry but once a trade is done, I don't HAVE to trade back ..
    Gangster Hitler: But can we after 24 hours?
    Gangster Hitler: Please
    Gangster Hitler: Ill even throw in my only bud
    Gangster Hitler: Please
    Skullcandy: No.
    Skullcandy: Trade is complete.
    Skullcandy: Get over it.
    Gangster Hitler: DUDE!
    Gangster Hitler: YOU JUST f****** SHARKED ME
    Skullcandy: Pardon? =/
    Gangster Hitler: You said we could trade back aftr 24
    Gangster Hitler: I just wanted to try it on
    Skullcandy: No I didn't..
    Gangster Hitler: You said it after we traded
    Skullcandy: I'll trade back
    Gangster Hitler: Skullcandy: wanna see the 2 day trade back policy
    Skullcandy: go around, see the offers you get
    Gangster Hitler: Sure.
    Skullcandy: if you dont get good ones
    Skullcandy: we can trade back
    Gangster Hitler: I just want to try it on.
    Skullcandy: thats extending my history on the hat
    Skullcandy: i cant do that because iots clean lol
    Gangster Hitler: Same thing with the 2 day trade back thing
    Skullcandy: yeh but most of the time
    Skullcandy: you keep it, because you do get
    Skullcandy: I don't remember me saying anything like that
    Skullcandy: LOL
    Skullcandy: ..
    Skullcandy is now playing Counter-Strike. Click here to join.
    Gangster Hitler: You will trade back?
    Skullcandy: No.
    Skullcandy is now playing Counter-Strike. Click here to join.
    Gangster Hitler: You just said
    Gangster Hitler: Skullcandy: I'll trade back
    Skullcandy: You're not getting anything back. Trade is f****** complete.
    Skullcandy: 1 Bud doesn't change my mind.
    Skullcandy: You also can't do anything about it. Trade is complete.
    Gangster Hitler: :/ I'll be reporting this
    Skullcandy: If I asked to trade back, you wouldn't..
    Skullcandy: reporting what?
    Skullcandy: For trading?
    Skullcandy: nice boy.
    Gangster Hitler: No the chat.
    Gangster Hitler: What you did and said
    Skullcandy: Ok.
    Skullcandy: Feel free too.
    Skullcandy: Trade is complete.
    Skullcandy is now Offline.
    Skullcandy is now Online.
    Gangster Hitler: What.
    Gangster Hitler: What do you want.
    Skullcandy: I'm interested in the G.Energy TC
    Gangster Hitler: Hmm you are?
    Skullcandy: I'll offer my Scorching el Jefe :D 1:1
    Skullcandy: I'll add sweets
    Gangster Hitler: Nah. I rather do it for my 3 dream hats you know?
    Skullcandy is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    Gangster Hitler: What a coinincidencew
    Gangster Hitler: You have them
    Gangster Hitler: I'd be willing to trade it for your Nappers + Tc + Jefe
    Skullcandy is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    Skullcandy: hmm
    Skullcandy is now Offline.
    Skullcandy is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    Skullcandy is now Online.
    Skullcandy: mm?
    Gangster Hitler: Would you be willing to trade them for the TC?
    Skullcandy: Trade what
    Gangster Hitler: Green energy TC for nappers+ Tc+ jefe?
    Skullcandy: No,
    Skullcandy: Unless you add around 5-6 Earbuds.
    Gangster Hitler: Alrighty. I already have the SOURCEREP thread up.
    Skullcandy: Link me.
    Skullcandy is now Offline.
    Pictures :
    Proof.PNG Proof 2.PNG Capture.PNG Capture2.PNG Capture3.PNG Capture4.PNG Capture5.PNG
  2. Sjru

    Sjru User

    An SR admin will look into this.
  3. Santa Hitler Clause

    Santa Hitler Clause New User

    There is a possibility that I can get these hats back. For the meantime please I'll see what I can do :)
  4. skokmen

    skokmen New User

    yea u should get those hats back, but it was silly of you to trust in some kind of policy XD
  5. Santa Hitler Clause

    Santa Hitler Clause New User

    Please hurry. The guy is trying to sell off the hats.
  6. VenGanZa

    VenGanZa User

    I am not sure if SR Admins can or will act on this.

    I will however, and I will impose perm bans on servers I am Admin on, I do not need or want people who break verbal contracts on them. If he doesn't live up to his word and reverse the trade, I will act.
  7. Santa Hitler Clause

    Santa Hitler Clause New User

    I'd like to point out right now he is probably going to, but on the other side may not. I will contact you if he does not sir.
  8. VenGanZa

    VenGanZa User

    Yes I was informed he is likely to man-up and honor his agreement.

    I most certainly hope he does, while SR may not be able to tag this, individual servers do, and I believe integrity and reputation is all we have in this game, I do not condone breaking contracts and consider people behave this was as undesired on servers I Admin on.
  9. Santa Hitler Clause

    Santa Hitler Clause New User

    Thank you for caring. He gave me the hats back :D.
  10. VenGanZa

    VenGanZa User

    Good, I applaud him for living up to his agreement. As long as he continues to trade ethically, the world will be a happy place. Cross the line and I have big boots to stomp on heads :)

    SR Mods should close this I guess :)
  11. Santa Hitler Clause

    Santa Hitler Clause New User

  12. Enstage

    Enstage SteamRep Admin Partner Community Donator - Tier V

    Need those screenshots unedited.
  13. Enstage

    Enstage SteamRep Admin Partner Community Donator - Tier V


    It has been an extended period of time without the required evidence being provided, as such I will be archiving this report.

    If you acquire the required evidence, please open another report as soon as possible.

    Thanks for the report nevertheless.