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Archived Report: 76561198032577426 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by And sandviches, Mar 28, 2015.

  1. And sandviches

    And sandviches New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Item Fraud] Quick-switch trade scam or attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198032577426

    Victim profile: 76561198137095236

    What happened? Description:
    I had a trade open on outpost for a FT gut knife, lingonman offered on it with a safari huntsman knife. I added him. In the trade, he added some cheap skins, he said that i should add one skin to. I did, and he quickswitched the knife for another cheap skin. He then traded it to his brother, who traded it for another knife.​

    Provide Evidence:

    Attached Files:

  2. chai^

    chai^ New User

    The proof is not enough aswell as being a false claim. You basically added my brother, sent a trade offer where you had your knife - to some of his random skins. He did not ask you to send a trade offer - he never wanted you to do an unfair trade. Whist you sent him the trade offer he said to me "this is too good to not take" and did it. There was never a quickswitch scam as you sent him the offer in the first place, and I suspect you wanted to add his knife but forgot.

    I to an extent agree that my brother knew that the trade was unfair, and shouldn't really have done it in the first place. Here's where the problem lies tho. You are accusing him of scamming whist you had more than one chance to check if you had added the knife. The email conformation was added for people like you how by some chance, forgot to add the knife.

    To conclude what I said - My brother did not scam you, he basically accepted a trade you sent him. The context above is basically a chat log, chopped apart to make it look like he intentionally scammed you, whist the reality is false and manipulated.

    I would therefor like this accusation to be remove since you have my trade link in the thread, aswell as having a false claim against my brother.

    Thanks for reading!
  3. And sandviches

    And sandviches New User

    This wasn't a trade offer, this was a quickswitch scam, as you see, i had the email confirmation turned off. If you have it turned of and hte other has it turned on, it automaticly sends an trade offer, which the other person can only accept trough email. He used this trade offer to falsly accuse me. He is trying to justify his acts, if you would want proof, just hit me up.
  4. And sandviches

    And sandviches New User

    And if you want more chat history, there is allot. I don't really know how I could send it here. I could show some screenshots tough. Your brother has scammed the knife, now you blocked me and you are trying to send it. This is wrong and these statements your brother made is untrue. If you could unblock me, maybe we could talk further. But since you 2 have your eyes more on the money, I think that won't happen.
  5. And sandviches

    And sandviches New User

    are trying to *sell it
  6. chai^

    chai^ New User

    I will not unblock you since there's nothing to discuss aswell as you wiill just continue to throw false accusations towards my brother. The fact is that YOU sent him a trade offer - he accepted and you're in the wrong. Even if I got the knife now, there's no proof I didn't pay rightfully for it. Please stop with the "I have proof" thing since there are none. I can if needed, gather proof that you sent him a TRADE OFFER containing your knife. The screenshoots of the discussion you two had is unimportant since it proves nothing, and you two are just throwing words at eachother. You could manipulate the pictures in your flavour and I could do the same but from my end.

    I'm therefor asking for our innocence since either of us have done anything wrong, and the accusations should therefor be dropped.
  7. And sandviches

    And sandviches New User

    I'm not trowing false accusations, its just to much to post here for evidence. I can send some evidence tomorrow. But everytime i want to send the evidence, you guys block me. There is a reason for you to unblock me. If you want the whole chat, i can copy and paste it trough chat. It is alooootttttt, probally 22 microsoft word pages, which will be to much to get a screenshot for or post here. Also, the chat is important. It PROVES that he is a scammer. He said it himself. He tried to act immature. If you keep me blocked, I know you are not ready to see the truth and this report will just be accepted. If someone wants more evidence, they just have to ask me. The evidence is on another pc, which i only have acces for for 2 days a week, parrents are divorced. And why did you make your profile private? So I couldn't see my knife? Look, if you want a little bit of evidence I can get some, maybe tomorrow, altough I'm not sure because my father is on vacation for 3 days. I'm just trying to get this scam justified or get my knife back. And since both of you won't give it back, i will just report.
  8. And sandviches

    And sandviches New User

    And your replying really late, so you can sell the knife, you are buying time to sell it. Please, just unblock me. There is no reason to not, but since i'm throwing ''falls accusations'', while you know that is untrue.
  9. chai^

    chai^ New User

    Posting last time since there's no point in the first place to even post here. There's no reason that a chat log can prove anything since you both where immature and didn't act your age. I would for the last time ask you to stop claming that you have proof since I can easily get disproval by providing a screenshot of the trade offer that you sent. This is the last time I'm posting here since you won't accept that you made a mistake and got "punished" for it. If I would add you, you would just accuse him of things like quickswitching which is by itself a fasle claim.

    I will keep you blocked as in I won't add you to discuss anything nomore. You may report (him) how many time you want but the reports won't do anything as the proof is insufficient (feel free to link everyone on your profile to this thread instead to his profile and a chatlog that you may or may not have manipulated). I would also like to add that I have given back the knife to my brother (the person you claimed scammed you) and this is the person that you will have to talk to furthermore if you have any continuing question about the situation. It's not my problem anymore and therefore you'll have to get in contact with him. To end our conversation here I would once again add that I think removing the thread and claims would be the best option since you can't accuse someone of doing something that they didn't do, just to get you mistake solved.

    Thanks for reading and this will hopefully be the last time that we talk, thanks and goodbye!
  10. And sandviches

    And sandviches New User

    I will send the proof on this tread, with some of the chat. Since the chat is really big, I can't send it all.
  11. And sandviches

    And sandviches New User

    I did a live trade with this guy, here you can see it:https://gyazo.com/c7de92c27a4cc68d8e665435b59aec0b
    Now you can see the live trade has been moved to the trade offers and has been accepted: https://gyazo.com/22e6de3fb562ce7b94f408529691497e
    He wanted to give me keys just normally and he would get the knife back from you, this is also an attempted scam, since he could easily just live trade:
    He tried to do this more times.
    He even tries to reason his actions: http://gyazo.com/a23c3d871e4ffb58dda78247973df381
    This is where i decieded to copy and paste the chat: http://gyazo.com/ad65edfec19c436484edc2dac5172551
    The continuation you can see on my profile, and this is just a little bit.
    I now have email vertification on because you can then double check the trade in email.
    This ''trade offer'' is the same as the one posted above, sent by email verficatoin, the other person can only accept it by email verification
    I can give you more evidence, just tell me
  12. And sandviches

    And sandviches New User

    So, your brother has lied to his friends and his brother to prevent me to contact them, then tried to scam me twice in chat, started acting really immature and blahblahblah. You know the story, at least what your brother told you. I have all the evidence here right now. This trade offer thing is really just a big cover up, since I showed that when you have email verification OFF and the other person has it ON, it sends an TRADE OFFER, to the person, which they only can accept trough EMAIL. Do you want more evidence? I could easily turn the email verification on, trade with someone who has it off, just to show that this is real. And even if I sent the trade offer, it wouldn't make any sense. Why would I add a cheap skin when he wanted to 1:1. Why would he add like 9 cheap skins which dont have any worth? Why would I send it by ''accident'' and forget the f✿✿✿✿✿✿ knife, the thing i wanted to 1:1? And why are you guys blocking me? Because you both know I have the evidence and since this report will most likely be accepted, your kind of in a pinch. So, for the last time, I can destroy all the evidence and delte the tread, if you just give me the knife. I will give you some keys in return, 5 to be exact. Since Lingonman has the knife, I will have to contact him, again. If you want to go trough with this, NO BULLSHIT, unblock me.

    Sorry for the long read, let Lingonman know about this!!!
  13. And sandviches

    And sandviches New User

    Well, since both of you didn't respond, I already know you will sell the knife. Lingonman will get steamrep banned, i have all the evidence I need. If you still want to go trough with my deal, hit me up. Otherwise, enjoy your ban.
  14. Enstage

    Enstage SteamRep Admin Partner Community Donator - Tier V


    All evidence needs to be in the form of screenshots uploaded directly to the forums. Due to the age of this report, I will be archiving it directly, please PM me if you wish to reopen this report.
