1. There is no such thing as a "pending" ban or Steam admin. Anyone threatening your account is a scammer trying to scare you. Read more.

No wonder no one takes this site seriously anymore

Discussion in 'SteamRep General Discussion' started by ZombieHunter[PL], Mar 29, 2019.

  1. ZombieHunter[PL]

    ZombieHunter[PL] New User

    Many years ago this site actually cared about quality of work, now it's like a race where all you need to see is a bad keyword and instantly mark the thread as invalid. Donations are high enough for you not to care it seems.

    I've reported an outright obvious scammer, it's all on video of him quickswitching the goods then blocking me but because he out of nowhere brought up a random expired key THAT WASN'T EVENT PART OF THE DEAL you will just mark it as invalid? (it's also on video showing it's expired btw) Not even a caution tag was given to him.

    This site is a f✿✿✿✿✿✿ joke and donators must seriously be clueless about who they're giving their money to. I assume the next step is marking threads as invalid, because someone said a mean word in shown chat. Less work for you! I honestly hope it was a mistake and you're gonna correct that person's verdict.

    Why would anyone want to use this site when you act like this?
  2. Roudydogg1

    Roudydogg1 SteamRep Admin Friend Community

    SteamRep Admin:
    >on video

  3. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
  4. ZombieHunter[PL]

    ZombieHunter[PL] New User

    So this site is a joke, got it. Won't mark obvious scams because they pasted a random expired code that wasn't even part of deal LMAO. "We don't deal with cd keys dooooood" Also I don't know why you're here defending this decision when you were the one to make it, not like you have a bias in it...
  5. schmed

    schmed r/globaloffensivetrade moderator Partner Community

    As a third party website, SteamRep is unavoidably going to have limitations. The investigative policy thread that Horse linked has a clear explanation on why SteamRep does not review code reports. There is also an explanation on where and how to report the user directly to Valve instead. Keep in mind that SteamRep, a not for profit organization, does more to protect users from fraud than Valve, a mutibillion dollar company. The criticism is best directed towards Valve for failing to prevent fraud on their own platform.
    [M&C] TheBluekr and Horse like this.
  6. {K.I.M} Orange

    {K.I.M} Orange New User

    You knew this was going to happen, why did you fall for it?
  7. ZombieHunter[PL]

    ZombieHunter[PL] New User

    No, it doesn't have such idiotic limitations. Years ago it was perfectly fine with marking cd-key scammers without problems, but now they will find an excuse to ignore your thread. The case I reported is NOT even focused on cd-keys and it's so obvious it was a scam if you bothered to read the linked thread, yet these internet janitors refuse to act. I guess this is the new loophole - scam somebody and give random expired key lmao. "We don't act on cd-key scams dooood"
  8. Sniper Pro

    Sniper Pro FirePowered Head Admin Partner Community

    CD-codes are practically impossible to verify, and a result, it's hard to justify marking someone when there is always going to be doubt about the evidence provided. If you don't like that then that's unfortunate, but they've made that extremely clear in their investigative policy which you chose to ignore. If you're not able to read their guidelines, and place the blame for rampant fraud at their doorstep instead of Valve's, then I don't know what to tell you - that seems like a you problem.
    Nasty Zenith, Roudydogg1 and schmed like this.
  9. ZombieHunter[PL]

    ZombieHunter[PL] New User

    1. Risk of Rain 2 DOES NOT come in cd-key form.

    2. He clearly offered a STEAM GIFT which makes it an obvious scam even if it came in key forms.

    3. He instantly blocked me right after which is an admission of guilt.

    And yes, I did report it to support and I don't give a s✿✿✿ about lost items. You covering for obvious scammers is what's a problem.
  10. Lava

    Lava Public Relations SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    When we were newer, we made some mistakes. We learned from those mistakes, and revised our policies moving forward.

    Specifically with CD key scamming, our ability to investigate those - by the way CD keys are designed - is inherently limited. This opened some loopholes through which scammers had plausible deniability, and a certain class of scammers could trivially frame someone. If a victim reports that a CD key they paid for was invalid, while the seller claims it was valid and the victim is lying, it's (again, by design) impossible for us - a third party without any special access to Steam - to tell who is lying. Did the reporter redeem the code from another account, or was it invalid to begin with? Furthermore, if it really was invalid, did the seller have a way of knowing - did they buy and resell it from someone else, or do they have a receipt for the original purchase (which won't list the code)? Our ability to answer these kinds of questions are cut off, as a special feature for publishers to try and keep customers from reselling keys, but answers to those kinds of questions are important for us to uphold tags and properly investigate appeals. Therefore, we collectively decided it is best to (a) recommend against dealing with CD keys and (b) stop investigating CD key reports, outside very rare exceptions where the burden of proof can be met.

    When someone reports a scammer - even if it's someone we know and trust - we don't take their word for it and issue a tag blindly. We require proof, which we can turn around and share with the community, and we can keep on file indefinitely, in case it's called into question at a later date. That high burden of proof is why so many people trust our tags.