Scammer | steamname: arter | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:50195541 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Victim |steamID: WOOTCAT |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:57606207 |steamID64: |customURL: |steamrepURL: He was agreed to trade 150 Keys @ 1.85 USD / 1.38€. I went first since he had more rep on d2t. I veryfied him @ d2t and steamrep / playtime / firends etc...
Could you be more indepth about what happened as i dont really see what the exact scam is here. Thank you in advance.
Sure, well he wanted to buy keys from me like above mentioned. I gone first and Traded the keys to him. After the Trade he set his Profile to Private and deleted me from his friendslist, never saw a cent of the deal. Thats what happend. Dont know what else i should write here if u have further questions im glad if i can help u more.
Could you provide a screenshot of the history of which ever payment you used showing that you never received your payments?
Hello, All evidence needs to be in the form of screenshots uploaded directly to the forums. Due to the age of this report, I will be archiving it directly, please PM me if you wish to reopen this report. Thanks.