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Archived 76561198060906831 (\o/*Pumper)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by acc3l3rat3d b00mb0x, Apr 10, 2013.

  1. acc3l3rat3d b00mb0x

    acc3l3rat3d b00mb0x New User

    |steamID: acc3l3rat3d b00mb0x
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:30073729
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198020413187
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/metainsanity
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198020413187

    |steamID: \o/*Pumper
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:50320551
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198060906831
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/bdegirmencioglu
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198060906831

    This guy added me to sell me some Dota 2 keys. He has a relatively new account and while his Steamrep was clean, I believed him. He claims that he has done cash trading on ebay (not applicable to me) and ask me to go first. I told him to send an invoice and also checked that his paypal was verified, which it was. After I paid the invoice that he sent me via email, he went afk and never replied.


    Chat Transcript
    8:57 AM - \o/*Pumper: yo how can i help you
    8:57 AM - acc3l3rat3d b00mb0x: you were selling keys?\
    8:58 AM - \o/*Pumper: yes i am my man
    8:58 AM - acc3l3rat3d b00mb0x: how many have you got?
    8:58 AM - acc3l3rat3d b00mb0x: and will need your rep thread.
    8:58 AM - \o/*Pumper: okey dude no problem
    8:58 AM - \o/*Pumper: i have about 100-120
    8:59 AM - \o/*Pumper: and here is my rep thread hold on
    8:59 AM - acc3l3rat3d b00mb0x: cool
    9:00 AM - \o/*Pumper: 76561198060906831
    9:00 AM - \o/*Pumper: here it is
    9:00 AM - \o/*Pumper: i do report people for scamming so please do not try dude you can check my posts :)
    9:01 AM - acc3l3rat3d b00mb0x: what is that?
    9:01 AM - \o/*Pumper: steam rep number
    9:01 AM - \o/*Pumper: you are going to check that number
    9:01 AM - \o/*Pumper: on steamrep.com
    9:01 AM - acc3l3rat3d b00mb0x: already checked it before i added you.
    9:01 AM - \o/*Pumper: okey than
    9:01 AM - \o/*Pumper: whats wrong
    9:02 AM - acc3l3rat3d b00mb0x: do you have reputation for cash trading?
    9:02 AM - acc3l3rat3d b00mb0x: from sop or d2t.
    9:02 AM - \o/*Pumper: i have reputation for cash trading on ebay i am quite new on dota2
    9:02 AM - \o/*Pumper: i am 4000 seller on ebay with %99 percentage
    9:03 AM - acc3l3rat3d b00mb0x: i only look at d2t or sop. you would need to have them.
    9:03 AM - acc3l3rat3d b00mb0x: ebay is of no use to me. frankly speaking.
    9:03 AM - acc3l3rat3d b00mb0x: lol
    9:04 AM - \o/*Pumper: i do not have sorry but you check where ever you want my account names whatever
    9:04 AM - \o/*Pumper: i am not a scammer
    9:04 AM - \o/*Pumper: just looking for good trades
    9:04 AM - acc3l3rat3d b00mb0x: new account and little play time.. that's why i suspect.
    9:04 AM - \o/*Pumper: since i am going to buy present for my gf for her birthday need cash for that
    9:04 AM - acc3l3rat3d b00mb0x: but you do paypal right?
    9:04 AM - \o/*Pumper: yes i do
    9:05 AM - acc3l3rat3d b00mb0x: verified"?
    9:05 AM - \o/*Pumper: yes it is
    9:05 AM - \o/*Pumper: you can check my paypal account it is not new i can guarentee that
    9:05 AM - \o/*Pumper: [email protected]
    9:05 AM - \o/*Pumper: if you need any kind of reputation
    9:07 AM - acc3l3rat3d b00mb0x: ah ok. i'll give it a go. can you invoice me? i'll grab 10 keys 1st.
    9:07 AM - acc3l3rat3d b00mb0x: [email protected]
    9:07 AM - \o/*Pumper: okey
    9:07 AM - \o/*Pumper: how much do you need fully
    9:07 AM - \o/*Pumper: 100 ?
    9:07 AM - acc3l3rat3d b00mb0x: i can make most if its alright.
    9:07 AM - acc3l3rat3d b00mb0x: *take
    9:07 AM - \o/*Pumper: okey
    9:07 AM - \o/*Pumper: waiting
    9:08 AM - acc3l3rat3d b00mb0x: the keys are not in your this account?
    9:09 AM - \o/*Pumper: no they are not since 2 days ago i did not have enough space for them i transferred them to my other account i had 350 keys however i sold the most 100-120 just got left
    9:09 AM - acc3l3rat3d b00mb0x: thats alright.
    9:12 AM - \o/*Pumper: any more questions i can answer them without any confusions to make
    9:12 AM - \o/*Pumper: if you have i mean.
    9:12 AM - acc3l3rat3d b00mb0x: its alright for now. you can throw me an invoice so that we can try out this trade?
    9:13 AM - \o/*Pumper: what was your mail
    9:13 AM - acc3l3rat3d b00mb0x: [email protected]
    9:15 AM - \o/*Pumper: 10 or 100 keys?
    9:15 AM - acc3l3rat3d b00mb0x: 10 keys 1st.
    9:15 AM - \o/*Pumper: okey
    9:16 AM - \o/*Pumper: i sent
    9:16 AM - \o/*Pumper: check it
    9:16 AM - acc3l3rat3d b00mb0x: paid.
    9:17 AM - \o/*Pumper: okey let me check
    9:17 AM - \o/*Pumper: i got 14 dolars but nevermore the fees :D
    9:17 AM - acc3l3rat3d b00mb0x: haha okay.
    9:17 AM - acc3l3rat3d b00mb0x: do i trade this account?
    9:17 AM - \o/*Pumper: changing accs
    9:17 AM - \o/*Pumper: nope
    9:18 AM - \o/*Pumper: hold on
    9:18 AM - \o/*Pumper: my new acc is wolkhan
    9:18 AM - \o/*Pumper: i mean key account
    9:18 AM - \o/*Pumper: wolkhan
    9:18 AM - \o/*Pumper: switching off this one brbr
    9:18 AM - \o/*Pumper: okey?
    9:18 AM - acc3l3rat3d b00mb0x: ok.
    9:20 AM - acc3l3rat3d b00mb0x: your friend list is full on your main
    9:43 AM - acc3l3rat3d b00mb0x: there?
    10:13 AM - acc3l3rat3d b00mb0x: are you there?
  2. Xenophobia

    Xenophobia Retired Staff

    When reporting scammers in the future, your thread title should be in this format:
    Thank you.
  3. Xenophobia

    Xenophobia Retired Staff

    Thanks for the report.
  4. Enstage

    Enstage SteamRep Admin Partner Community Donator - Tier V


    All evidence needs to be in the form of screenshots uploaded directly to the forums. Due to the age of this report, I will be archiving it directly, please PM me if you wish to reopen this report.
