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Archived 76561198086107337 (◙*Zes_spy*◙)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Loading... Please Wait, Jun 29, 2013.

  1. Loading... Please Wait

    Loading... Please Wait New User

    | steamname: Loading... Please Wait
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:50939719
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198062145167
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/commonlyunique
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198062145167

    | steamname: �*Zes_spy*�
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:62920804
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198086107337
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198086107337


    ◙*Zes_spy*◙ added me and wanted to buy my unusuals. He offered a low amount and when I said what I wanted for them he instantly accepted (bad sign). He tried to get me to trade him the unusuals so he could then trade them to his brother, his brother would then trade the buds to ◙*Zes_spy*◙ and then to me. I tried asking him to just get his brother to add me but he ignored it. The fact that he was happy to pay any price is a warning sign that he wasn't ever going to pay.

    Loading... Please Wait: hey
    ◙*Zes_spy*◙ is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    ◙*Zes_spy*◙: hi!
    Loading... Please Wait: how can I help? :)
    ◙*Zes_spy*◙: are u selling unusauk
    ◙*Zes_spy*◙: l
    Loading... Please Wait: yep
    Loading... Please Wait: http://www.tf2outpost.com/user/65036
    ◙*Zes_spy*◙: my bro will buy it for 3 buds and +bills hat
    Loading... Please Wait: what one?
    ◙*Zes_spy*◙: Unusual Villain's Veil
    Loading... Please Wait: well then he'd be lowballing a lot
    ◙*Zes_spy*◙: hi has 4o buds
    ◙*Zes_spy*◙: and hi sid hi will add 6 cos its has a deal
    Loading... Please Wait: can you slow down your typing
    Loading... Please Wait: I have no idea what you're saying
    ◙*Zes_spy*◙: i sid hi will add 6 buds cos its has a deal
    Loading... Please Wait: 6 buds to what?
    ◙*Zes_spy*◙: the Unusual Villain's Veil
    Loading... Please Wait: just get him to add me so we can talk
    ◙*Zes_spy*◙: 11buds for this deal
    ◙*Zes_spy*◙: ok
    Loading... Please Wait: not enough
    Loading... Please Wait: close though
    ◙*Zes_spy*◙: hi sid that lits trade and affter we trade hi will give the keys to me and lits trade again!
    ◙*Zes_spy*◙: thats the deal
    Loading... Please Wait: I can do 13 buds
    Loading... Please Wait: froboth
    Loading... Please Wait: *fo both
    ◙*Zes_spy*◙: ok bot deal!
    Loading... Please Wait: get 13 buds then.
    You have accepted the trade request from ◙*Zes_spy*◙.
    ◙*Zes_spy*◙: u sid deal !
    Loading... Please Wait: I did
    Loading... Please Wait: get 13 buds
    ◙*Zes_spy*◙: my bro sid that affter we trade and and me and my bro will treade and give the buds to me andlits trade again thats the deal!
    Loading... Please Wait: f✿✿✿ off!
    Loading... Please Wait: get the buds now
    Loading... Please Wait: and then we trade
    ◙*Zes_spy*◙: its the deal
    Loading... Please Wait: get the buds off him and then we can trade
    ◙*Zes_spy*◙: u dont want the deal!
    Loading... Please Wait: so you're a scammer
    Loading... Please Wait: time to report you to steamrep
    ◙*Zes_spy*◙: NO AM NOT
    Loading... Please Wait: get him to add me then
    ◙*Zes_spy*◙ is now Offline.
  2. XE_ManUp

    XE_ManUp Retired Staff

    Marking as ready for review. Thanks for your patience.
  3. Enstage

    Enstage SteamRep Admin Partner Community Donator - Tier V


    All evidence needs to be in the form of screenshots uploaded directly to the forums. Due to the age of this report, I will be archiving it directly, please PM me if you wish to reopen this report.
