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Discussion in 'SteamRep Guides' started by TommY, Dec 12, 2012.

  1. TommY

    TommY Retired Staff

    You can see the current list of MMs here
    You might need a MM in
    • item - cash trade
    • item - game gift trade(not tradable gift)
    • game gift - cash trade
    • et cetera
    To put it simple, you might need a MM whenever cash or one or more untradable item(gift)is involved.

    You don't need a MM in
    • item - item trade
    • item - game gift trade
    • game gift - game gift trade
    • etc..
    You don't need a MM when both traders can trade their items at the same time(all items&gifts are tradable and cash is not involved)

    MM trade howto : (examples are quoted)

    Step by step
    1. Each party should make sure that his opponent is not a marked scammer.
    2. Either party gets a MM from the MM list
    3. The Buyer(who pays cash), Seller(who has the item), MM joins multi-user chat.
    4. The MM introduces himself(herself)
    5. Both users confirm that he is an official middleman by searching his SteamID. If anything suspicious, they can ask whatever questions until they are satisfied.
      Both users should not just visit the SteamREP link the MM gives. He might be an impersonator!
      Both users SHOULD copy MM's Steam Profile address and search it on SteamREP.
      To see how to search one's steam profile on SteamREP, visit here.
    6. Both users tell the MM about the trade.
    7. Both users should agree on the trade info by saying so.
    8. Both users tell their paypal id
    9. The MM requests a trade to the Seller.
    10. The Seller give the item to MM.
    11. MM confirms that he/she got the item by saying so.
    12. The Buyer sends the money(fee should be payed by the Buyer if that was the deal)
    13. The Buyer informs that the transaction has been completed.
    14. The Seller confirms he/she got the exact amount of money.
    15. The MM requests a trade to the Buyer.
    16. The MM gives the item to the Buyer.
    17. Both users should copy the chat log and take screenshots of the chat just in case.
  2. Oz' dak1ne

    Oz' dak1ne New User

  3. DataStorm

    DataStorm Retired Staff

    it does omit the Mandatory guideline that the current HOLDER of items must INITIATE the trade. (ie: seller trade invites the MM, and once payment is done, the MM initiates the trade invite to buyer. The MM NEVER does a trade invite to the seller, and the buyer should nowhere initiate a trade invite)
  4. Cieply

    Cieply New User

    what if the seller says he didn't get the money? Is there any way to get a transfer confirmation from Paypal as a buyer?
  5. DataStorm

    DataStorm Retired Staff

    They buyer never gets the money... the Buyer PAYS the money to the Seller. Refrase & Retry or Abort (as in "Abort, Retry or Ignore? _" but you're prolly too young to remember PC DOS or MS DOS).
  6. Cieply

    Cieply New User

    oh lol by mad :D fixed it now
  7. DataStorm

    DataStorm Retired Staff

    nah, wasn't mad ;)

    as a 3rd party you cannot get verification. But screenshots go a long way, and even if faked, we'll find out soon enough who whas lying. Any MM that runs in this either solves it and report, or passes on the issue. I'm just glad that that doesn't happen often, for faked evidence can take a lot of time to sort out.
  8. Cieply

    Cieply New User

    "my bad".....

    ah those missclicks, i feel so embarrassed now, so many mistakes :D
  9. inflames #keys

    inflames #keys New User

    I thought I might add this..

    Adding a nickname on Steam to your friend whilst trading prevents you from being scammed.

    When the scammer is doing the old middleman-trick : impersonating your actual middleman.
  10. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    it wont "prevent" you from being scammed but yes, a good idea/extra visual cue who you are dealing with.
    Roudydogg1 likes this.
  11. inflames #keys

    inflames #keys New User

    That's about the same what I wanted to say.
    You Are The One likes this.
  12. Ninja Otter With A Taco

    Ninja Otter With A Taco Retired Staff

    Can I just point out a problem with the guide?
    From my experiences I have learnt never to trade for non-tradeable games as they often get removed from your account via steam. It's happened to several people I know and I don't think (personally) that it should be listed as what you should use a MM for.
  13. SilentReaper(SR)

    SilentReaper(SR) Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    I think he might mean giftwrapped in-game item. But only if thats for money.
    If for items, the buyer can provide giftwrap, seller can temp give value of giftwap to buyer, seller giftwraps the item, and trades the giftwrapped item for the agreed price + what seller payed for the giftwrap to the buyer.
  14. Ninja Otter With A Taco

    Ninja Otter With A Taco Retired Staff

    No that's not what he was saying, he was stating if a game couldn't be traded and had to be sent via the gifting feature that steam has then you should use a middleman, but I feel that trading for non-tradeable gifts should be advised against.
  15. l4w

    l4w New User

    The PayPal transaction should always be dealt via the option "friends and family", right?
  16. SilentReaper(SR)

    SilentReaper(SR) Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Depends, both options mean different things against charge backs, how they could chargeback, and one is without a fee. If I told you which to use, how would you know if that was actually right for you? And for what situation? The best is understanding services you use, so you can use them to suit you.
  17. l4w

    l4w New User

    I understand it, mate. On the business transaction there are fees and you can chargeback quite easy within 90. On the friends and family there are no fees and charge back are A LOT harder to perform but you can chargeback after many months in some cases. Thats why I think friends and family is always safer and better, just wanted to ask if you agree?
  18. SilentReaper(SR)

    SilentReaper(SR) Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Chargebacks are just as easy on both, with friends and family they just use a stolen credit card and the chargeback is not even what they do, its what the credit card company is going to do.... even Verified isn't saying too much if the mail account is stolen. Being able to verify who it really is behind that account, making screenshots of the trade and them telling their details in chat and having those screenshots of it with everything on the screen is proof to PP you really talked with that person. Putting in the notes what was traded and their Steam ID etc. The "I won't chargeback" note is useless, PP does read it when a dispute happens, but that kind of notes is not a "contract" to them, the notes should be meaningful.
    It absolutely will NOT stop a Credit Card chargeback, nothing will. But if they do it manually, and you can prove you traded with that person (and them therefore cannot claim it was "hijacked") is providing a small protection.

    The fee would however be attractive in other ways. Small Insurance against chargebacks etc... but be very aware of the small print, for a bunch of the advertised "advantages" are USA only.

    Personally, I'd avoid Paypal like the plague. There are loads of reports with charge backs. Bitcoin cannot be charge backed, but you have to wait for at least 3 "confirms" before trading your items (look up "double-spend").