Hi! I recently got scammed ( by the time I posted this it was only 5 minutes ago). I planned to report him using this method http://tf2-trader.com/index.php? PHPSESSID=ro4rkan6g2ebtem9db84c612s2&topic=18436.0 But the problem is, I cant search him up on steam rep due to the fact his name is like this http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198061366703 if he changed his name its like random characters with % and L's. I saw his name history and most of his names are like that which probably meant he scammed some other poor souls. The scam started off like this : (BTW the game i got scammed off was Team Fortress 2, the number 1 hat/war simulator of all time.) I was selling some hats on a trade server until he responded to me. He said he was gonna pay me using Steam Wallet Code ($20). I was going to check but he kept saying that I was a scammer and he was going to report me( and it was quite believeable.) So i accepted the trade anyways, since i pitied him as he said he got scammed before.(I'm such an idiot) And when i typed in the code, it was invalid. I quickly asked him why it was Invalid, but he wasnt replying. Thus, it occured to me, that I had been scammed. Photo proof is here : (I'm Kouen and he's the guy with the weird name.) http://i.imgur.com/VYJXVcO.png http://i.imgur.com/UvoJPhL.png 882-551-883-442 This was the steam wallet code he gave me. No matter what it's invalid. Please help me out, and make TF2 a better, and safe place. Cheers! ~Kouen
Hello, All evidence needs to be in the form of screenshots uploaded directly to the forums. Due to the age of this report, I will be archiving it directly, please PM me if you wish to reopen this report. Thanks.