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Archived Report: 76561198106022348 - (=[o.W.n]=sniperkiller / [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by [K9] Dogman, May 11, 2014.

  1. [K9] Dogman

    [K9] Dogman New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Item Fraud] Misrepresenting virtual items
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198106022348 (=[o.W.n]=sniperkiller)

    Victim profile: 76561198044154603

    What happened? Description:
    I was on a trade server when he invited me to a trade, he said "give me 2 hats and i'll give you a key"(< not his exact words, you'll see his actual words in the screen shots) . I put in the 2 hats and than he said that he has already put in the key, i just can't see it and readied up. (sorry for any spelling errors)​

    Provide Evidence:
    i am sorry my screen capture program did not register the "shift+ tab" window. I do strongly apologize for this, i just hope you keep an eye out for this person.
    I do have the chat copied if it makes any diference:

    =[o.W.n]=sniperkiller: hi 13:15:50
    [K9] Cubelet.: Hello 13:15:54
    =[o.W.n]=sniperkiller: i put in a key for a hat 13:16:09
    =[o.W.n]=sniperkiller: i have put it in now 13:16:18
    =[o.W.n]=sniperkiller: put in a hat 13:16:29
    [K9] Cubelet.: for 1 hat? 13:16:30
    =[o.W.n]=sniperkiller: yes 13:16:35
    =[o.W.n]=sniperkiller: or 2 13:16:38
    You added The Napolean Complex 13:16:47
    You added The Stocking Stuffer 13:16:48
    =[o.W.n]=sniperkiller is ready 13:16:55
    =[o.W.n]=sniperkiller: trade 13:17:01
    =[o.W.n]=sniperkiller: i have put it in 13:17:08
    [K9] Cubelet.: ill need the key 13:17:12
    =[o.W.n]=sniperkiller: or you dont se it 13:17:19
    =[o.W.n]=sniperkiller: trade you get a key 13:17:33
    [K9] Cubelet.: scam report iminent 13:17:42
    You removed The Stocking Stuffer 13:17:48
    You removed The Napolean Complex 13:17:50

    The picture i uploaded is what i got instead of the chat.​

    Attached Files:

  2. Enstage

    Enstage SteamRep Admin Partner Community Donator - Tier V


    Unfortunately, we require evidence of chat through the Steam client, as such I will have to archive this report.
