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What am I supposed to do about this? (falsely banned)

Discussion in 'Discussion Archive' started by WinnerOJD, Apr 21, 2021.

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  1. WinnerOJD

    WinnerOJD Banned on SteamRep

    Hi peoples,

    So a while back (over 3 years I think now), I was relatively new to tf2 and my friend got me into trading. I ended up getting blackmailed by someone who seems to be banned now, but turns out I ended up getting banned from steamrep. At the time I wasn't too serious about the game, however trading was my favourite part and getting banned from steamrep also meant getting banned from scrap tf and backpack tf which were quite important to tf2 trading. I decided that since the ban was inconvenient, I'd just quit and play some other game. ANYWAYS, here I am years later trying to get back into it, and I was quickly reminded after reinstalling the game that this ban still existed.

    But the main reason I made this post is, after deciding it would probably be worth making an appeal, as the ban reason was supposedly that I was someone's "Alternate account" (the appeal I made is here and explains everything: https://forums.steamrep.com/threads...98-winnerojd-banned-by-sr.196357/#post-534299). I made two appeals, and my god was I surprised at the responses the staff gave me. After explaining the incident and how I have no connection whatsoever with the account that was apparently my alt (apart from one single trade where they sent me a really cheap yellow item and my steam auto accepted it), the moderator then told me THAT I HAD TO APPEAL FROM THE ACCOUNT I WAS ACCUSED OF BEING (HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO DO THAT IF IT'S NOT ME????). After this I tried making the same appeal again in hopes of getting a staff member who would actually read it before throwing it in the invalid section, and to my surprise it was denied because I was "lying/lying by omission" (THAT'S RIGHT THEY DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WHICH ONE TO ACCUSE ME OF).

    After talking a bit with a scrap.tf moderator, I think the main reason for this is the "no mistakes" policy this site claims to have when banning, as it seems to give staff members an incentive to just reject appeals on first sight without actually looking into it or assisting people. I'm completely unsure what to do now, I was wondering if anyone has a suggestion or idea as to how I can get my appeal properly read? I hate to cause bother but this really has started to get on my nerves.

    Thanks, any replies are welcome!
  2. IcarusFell

    IcarusFell New User

    Rip ban, probably reversing a ban is gonna be much harder than getting a person banned.
  3. WinnerOJD

    WinnerOJD Banned on SteamRep

    It definitely seems that way.
  4. a Gentleman

    a Gentleman SteamRep Moderator Partner Community Donator - Tier V

    Locked based on #3 in General Discussion FAQ. You're more than welcome to discuss policy, but bringing up specific reports or appeals in General Discussions is not allowed.

    Admin Edit: Additionally, all tags and their underlying evidence are subject to inspection by any community green tagged admin on SR for additional transparency on a case by case basis. They are also additional internal protocols for green tagged community admins on SR to trigger a tag audit for a specific tag if they think it was in error (not if they disagree)
  5. WinnerOJD

    WinnerOJD Banned on SteamRep

    Hi peoples,

    So a while back (over 3 years I think now), I was relatively new to tf2 and my friend got me into trading. I ended up getting blackmailed by someone who seems to be banned now, but turns out I ended up getting banned from steamrep. At the time I wasn't too serious about the game, however trading was my favourite part and getting banned from steamrep also meant getting banned from scrap tf and backpack tf which were quite important to tf2 trading. I decided that since the ban was inconvenient, I'd just quit and play some other game. ANYWAYS, here I am years later trying to get back into it, and I was quickly reminded after reinstalling the game that this ban still existed.

    But the main reason I made this post is, after deciding it would probably be worth making an appeal, as the ban reason was supposedly that I was someone's "Alternate account" (the appeal I made explains everything but apparently I'm not allowed to post it here). I made two appeals, and my god was I surprised at the responses the staff gave me. After explaining the incident and how I have no connection whatsoever with the account that was apparently my alt (apart from one single trade where they sent me a really cheap yellow item and my steam auto accepted it), the moderator then told me THAT I HAD TO APPEAL FROM THE ACCOUNT I WAS ACCUSED OF BEING (HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO DO THAT IF IT'S NOT ME????). After this I tried making the same appeal again in hopes of getting a staff member who would actually read it before throwing it in the invalid section, and to my surprise it was denied because I was "lying/lying by omission" (THAT'S RIGHT THEY DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WHICH ONE TO ACCUSE ME OF).

    After talking a bit with a scrap.tf moderator, I think the main reason for this is the "no mistakes" policy this site claims to have when banning, as it seems to give staff members an incentive to just reject appeals on first sight without actually looking into it or assisting people. I'm completely unsure what to do now, I was wondering if anyone has a suggestion or idea as to how I can get my appeal properly read? I hate to cause bother but this really has started to get on my nerves.

    Also, for whatever reason (take a wild guess), I'm not allowed to post the appeal link I made here, so my discord is Breaderi#6716 if anyone would be kind enough to help advise me on this.

    Thanks, any replies are welcome!
  6. Roudydogg1

    Roudydogg1 SteamRep Admin Friend Community

    SteamRep Admin:
    Once again, we cannot discuss your case in General Discussions, it's is not allowed. Please do not post about it again.

    If you want to discuss policy or talk about why we do things the way we do them, that's fine. But if we discussed your case here in the General Discussions, we would have to do it for everyone else who asked.

    Otherwise, we cannot discuss specific cases here.
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