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A warning regarding steam raffle groups and giveaway groups.

Discussion in 'SteamRep General Discussion' started by LordCicero | kickback.com, Nov 23, 2016.

  1. LordCicero | kickback.com

    LordCicero | kickback.com New User

    Now, as someone who loves giving things to people who are in need and helping people, I want to talk about something revolving around this. So lets give some background info, I am a ex-mod from a raffle group with over 41k members called FSGGA. (https://gyazo.com/7e0e9f1eb8b79b61632a9a23f45c6d78 proof of me running a giveaway, this one was actually legit and this was before I knew about how it really works) This group is a well known group and its a semi popular curator too. Alot of people love giveaways, admit it, free stuff is awesome especially when its free to get in right? Well im sure alot of you guys have heard of steam raffle groups, basically they are giveaway groups that giveaway items like CS:GO skins and games. Im also sure that some of you know that these groups are basically mini gambling sites. Why? Well, you can enter a giveaway for free or "donate" CS:GO skins for a "higher" % to win. For example, if you donate 310 euros in skins you get a automatic boost up to 90% chance of winning which seems cool right? Well, this s✿✿✿ isnt cool, and the reason why is because it turns into the most shady s✿✿✿. How it REALLY works is that the person who donated does actually get a higher chance, but if he wins it the f✿✿✿✿✿✿ owner makes alt with the same name of the guy who donated and won and trades the items to the "winner" then takes a screenshot for "proof" that the items were received then bans the original winner from the group. Now how do I know this? I was a mod, and I had the owner tell me before I was a mod about how it works, and if I talk I get banned and flagged on rep sites and other s✿✿✿. So I end up talking, this f✿✿✿✿✿✿ guy gets on my s✿✿✿ almost instantly and ends up banning me from the group with the message "Traitor" then replaces me with another mod.(https://gyazo.com/bf729d81597003d4b5ba737091a65309 here is a screenshot) So after this is up I honestly dont care, but dont worry it gets worse. I found steamrep forum posts about the owner attempting scams and fraud which I will link at the bottom of this thread but basically, it shows that he has done shady stuff in the past and also exposes him about botting on steamrep to make him look like a angel or something. His main account who he also claims is a different person but is really him, has multiple VAC bans and has a trade ban for scamming. So he then makes a alt account called [fsgga] Donations Bot and basically just uses this as a "main account" saying the other account is a friend of his irl and the trade bans are for "non legit stuff" even tho item duping doesnt exist. But anyways, in a nutshell this guy scammed people, blackmailed me and other people, was responsible for fraud and deception, and lots of other things that are f✿✿✿ed up. The worst part is, that FSGGA is one of the thoudands of raffle groups on steam, that most of them scam and cause harm to steam users and its right under valves noses. Its a new way of gambling almost, except its seriously rigged and needs to be taken care of. All im asking is to just spread the word because this is really f✿✿✿ed up and needs to be taken care of. Im posting it on this forum because its a steam community and I dont want anyone here being stuck in this s✿✿✿ like I was.

  2. Roudydogg1

    Roudydogg1 SteamRep Admin Friend Community

    SteamRep Admin:
    Yeah sounds about right, I don't get into any of those raffle groups like that. Too fishy. Best to steer clear.
  3. LordCicero | kickback.com

    LordCicero | kickback.com New User

    Yea, Im trying to spread this around, valve needs to look into this because this is a new way of scamming/gambling in some sence
  4. Lava

    Lava Public Relations SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Raffle scam groups are almost as old as Steam trading itself.
    schmed likes this.
  5. LordCicero | kickback.com

    LordCicero | kickback.com New User

    well here is a behind the scenes
  6. Enstage

    Enstage SteamRep Admin Partner Community Donator - Tier V

    To be honest, this is nothing new...every second day there seems to be drama revolving around the unethical practices of a raffle group and past staff "coming out" to "reveal all the secrets" which most people who've been around a while already know...

    Unfortunately nothing much can be done thought, users will be users and the temptation of free stuff is just too much for them to handle.
  7. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    So hard to read... needs sentence breaks.
    Enstage likes this.
  8. Roudydogg1

    Roudydogg1 SteamRep Admin Friend Community

    SteamRep Admin:
    Not really new but I don't think i've seen a descriptive post like this about how it "really works" before even tho I already knew. Unlike nearly everyone else here I'd like to thank you for the post
    Clive and Gara like this.