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Ask A SteamRep Staff Member

Discussion in 'SteamRep General Discussion' started by Xenophobia, Jan 14, 2013.

  1. cheese 7

    cheese 7 New User

    The Steam log in seems broken. I am trying to view the account history of a steam profile, which requires a steam login. no matter how many times i authenticate with steam, it still doesnt login, and wont let me view account history because it requires steam.
  2. a Gentleman

    a Gentleman SteamRep Moderator Partner Community Donator - Tier V

    Seems to be working on my end. Have you tried clearing cookies/etc?

    Also check https://steamstat.us/ to see if the Steam API itself is down.
  3. cheese 7

    cheese 7 New User

    Update looks like it was just my steam profile being private. good thing i tested.
  4. Weazel

    Weazel Banned on SteamRep

    How do I prove I'm not an alt account from a banned account?
  5. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
  6. Weazel

    Weazel Banned on SteamRep

    Yes, but they asked for ME to prove that I am not an alt account. and they need evidence of this. But my question is what type of evidence do you want and how do I prove this to you. I'm really trying but I just don't know what to do. I've made an appeal in 2017 and I've been waiting for a long time. but yet I still don't know how you want me to prove I'm not an alt account.
  7. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    You were told a few times in the appeal - you must provide things that would show that. We will not tell you for specific things, what you need to provide is entirely up to you.
  8. Baguette sups.gg

    Baguette sups.gg Donator - Tier V

    ok so after filing a report with evidence on the trust section of a backpack.tf acc what do i do to get them steamrep banned and whcih ones do i notify steamrep of (ex: phishing scams or duped item scams?)
  9. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    We do not review phishing/hijacking reports and neither do backpack. They can ban whomever they wish from their services but tags are not issued for either of those.
    If you are thinking someone with the "Hey I reported you..blah blah blah" situation happened it was likely from a hijacked account that you should just report to Valve and not everywhere else since they are the only ones that can handle that. The real owner already will have a hard enough time recovering the account let alone getting unbanned/untagged from other places all around the net.
  10. Mauroghen

    Mauroghen New User

    from what im understanding I HAVE to be scammed in order to report some shady account properly?

    Im not gonna lose my items just so some alt account gets flagged as suspicious.

    thats all I wanted, the profile I reported has obviously manipulated steam comments (5+ comments a day since 2019)

    and he removed me the INSTANT I brought that fact up to him. he's obviously shady,
    and I guess to have more evidence I should've waited till he started doing scamming tactics? or until I lost my inventory to report him?
    Unless I missed a place to report people for being suspicious and not for visibly scamming, im stumped on the report system here..

    I just found more evidence, the account has 5000 hours in team fortress 2, yet only 1 year of service, I don't want to spam the forums or make another report since it seems you only take only the concrete proof.
    just refer to
    Hidden Content:
    **Hidden Content: Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of (usergroups: Administrative, Moderating).**

    and actually examine the profile, and you'll find alot of discrepancies.

    Hidden Content:
    **Hidden Content: Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of (usergroups: Administrative, Moderating).**
    more evidence, cant edit my posts im sorry for spamming jeez.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2020
  11. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    I've hidden notations of accounts in your post and merged them...this is however not where you make a report.
    You don't have to be scammed to make a report - but you must provide proper evidence and you can't make reports based off assumptions.
    We also don't need everyone that is unhappy with the outcome of reports/appeals making posts here in this section to argue their case again..that is what the report/appeal is for.
    If you feel the user is sketchy report them to Valve instead because having so many hours in a game, so many years of service and so on means absolutely nothing regarding guilt of any wrong doing.

    Lastly - this FAQ still applies here as well.
  12. =USE A+= Ohaimark

    =USE A+= Ohaimark New User

    Hello, I have a question for the staff and in regards, I'm sorry if this has already been answered. (I don't want to endlessly read through 70+ pages)

    There is a user that has about roughly 18+ reports about sending phishing links/websites to people. This user also has 115 negative rep on backpack.tf. Now I understand that you guy's don't deal with reports like these and will tell users to report them to Valve. (I won't mention the user based on assuming it would get removed)

    So with 18 reports on steamrep & 115 negative rep due to people getting sent phishing links. Why wouldn't you guys at least mark him with a scammer/caution tag?

    Because at least when I think about it. It could dampen the flow of people reporting this user due to all of the reports you guys get. I also could be wrong and they could still send reports regardless if the user is marked on steamrep.

    Cause we all know Valve doesn't really give a crap about reporting people since there are many people on steam who do this. (I might be a hypocrite when I say this but I've reported the user multiple times over the past months and have given proof to Valve with screenshots and still nothing has been done)

    Thank you.
  13. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Doesn't matter how many reports someone has we will NOT review it if it has to do with phishing/hacking.
    Doesn't matter what a site says about them like Backpack either - that is entirely up to them to allow anything they wish on their site.
    That needs to be handled by Valve.
    Issue is that user could have been hacked/phished themselves and you would only be reporting an innocent user that had no control over their account.
    If you really want something done then report the user to Valve. Marking someone here with a tag of any sorts would add unneeded hardship on that user should they recover their account if that is the case and that is something we will not do.

    As for dampening the flow of those reports - if people would read our policy regarding that and not do them in the first place that would really help out.
    Here is that policy for anyone wishing to read it.

    Lastly - Valve does give a crap. But most people are too lazy to report them properly to Valve. They can not address what they do not know. Also be sure you do use the search feature, these 70+ pages contain many answered questions like this one. You can take the time to do that to help save time for us to handle reports/appeals and other things here.
    Please also do not submit reports if you have no intentions on keeping up with them as the last one you did submit you just abandoned when we asked questions.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2020
  14. Mikasa Code Seller

    Mikasa Code Seller New User


    Q: On my SteamRep profile, I see that I have 1 banned friend, how do i learn who that individual is so that I may remove them from my steam friends list? See attached image

    Attached Files:

  15. a Gentleman

    a Gentleman SteamRep Moderator Partner Community Donator - Tier V

    Make your steam friend's list public, then access your steamrep profile again.
  16. Mikasa Code Seller

    Mikasa Code Seller New User

    Thanks! I didn't even realize I had it on private.
  17. Sidorothicc

    Sidorothicc New User

    What report type should I check for an item verification scam? It involved 2 people and one was posing as a steam admin, I'm not sure if that counts as rep fraud or not
  18. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    If the user that contacted you to say "sorry I reported you ect ect..." that person was likely hijacked and you should report them all to Valve rather here.
    If its straight up item verification and not the "sorry I reported you" deal then that could be a normal item verify scam. As for type just item scam but again make sure that you are not reporting someone here that was likely hijacked.
  19. Sidorothicc

    Sidorothicc New User

    The first person was a "sorry I reported you" but their profile was normal, while the second guy had a flashy profile with external links including a dodgy trading website and stuff all about how he was a steam admin. The second guy also went all the way through to sending me a trade offer (from a weird "database" account) for all my stuff, to check it was clean. Is all this enough to assume the account is hijacked, or is there still reasonable doubt?
  20. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Yep that was likely a hijacked account doing it...report them to Valve most certainly.
    All 3 accounts should be reported to Valve = this is a VERY common thing lately also so you are not the only one and I can only hope others read this and follow suit.

    If you report the first user for the attempt - we would likely tag them and if the true owner recovers and they do not recover using a steam support ticket which we require to get off the tag then they are pretty much out of luck and sadly that is the case here lately. So I highly HIGHLY advise you to report them to Valve and just ignore them.
    You reporting here is entirely up to you but again....read what I said and make your own choice.
    Reported here I have to treat it as a scam and doesn't matter at that point if the user was hijacked or not.

    P.s. - I've yet to see any of these done when the account was NOT hijacked.