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Discussion in 'SteamRep General Discussion' started by Xenophobia, Jan 14, 2013.

  1. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    You are only allowed one appeal - it was Rejected for the reason given. Sorry but that is policy which is also again noted here.

    Also asking about your appeal or previous appeal attempts is against General Forum FAQ.

    You are welcome to question policy but not previous appeal attempts.
  2. aimless

    aimless Banned on SteamRep

    Thanks for the response. But, it doesn't strike anyone as unfair and illogical that me being unable to play on community servers as well as use services such as scrap.tf (which is irrelevant because I'm not a trader, but still) is the result of an incident that happened 8 YEARS AGO in which I changed my name to "dk | aegis" during a scrim for 15 minutes, got automatically flagged for "impersonation," even though the person I "impersonated" explicitly said there was no attempted fraud or scamming? I understand what the policy is but it seems that exceptions should be able to be made in cases such as this one where the person very clearly isn't anything remotely close to a scammer.

    I just want to play MGE mod and bot free servers :( please
  3. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    You quoted our rules about what can and cannot be discussed in general discussion by the admin, specifically about reports and appeals, and post about it anyways, this is your last warning not to.
  4. Nobel

    Nobel New User

  5. Roudydogg1

    Roudydogg1 SteamRep Admin Friend Community

    SteamRep Admin:
    Hangin' in there thanks papi
    But I think I'm obsessed with watching the Olympics plox halp ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  6. CoMmEnD mE 2

    CoMmEnD mE 2 New User

    Hi, I recently submitted a report however was not able to follow up. https://forums.steamrep.com/threads/report-76561198078728338-dota2-dota2-items.197157/#post-537015

    I got declined "Sorry your evidence is unacceptable and lacking being full screenshot, we do not review get friend message logs - it clearly states that on the link below you were already given. "

    I was going to ask before posting another report is that I have FULL SCREENSHOTS in my mobile, does that account to sufficient evidence?

    Before submitting a report you guys state that :
    Please do not submit the report unless you have proper evidence such as screenshots of the STEAM chat logs - without it the report will not get reviewed! See the submission guide below before you click submit! Submitting a report anyway and ignoring these notices may result in you no longer being able to submit reports here.

    However, from the above response you guys say that you do not get to review message logs??

    SO if I submit FULL SCREENSHOTS messages in my steam mobile chat would you take that as evidence?
  7. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Keep in mind that discussions about reports you did not have accepted are not allowed in the general forum per FAQ

    This includes making a question here about it- you can however inquire about policies and requirements such as the screenshot guide/requirements.

    We sometimes can review mobile but its not always acceptable as there are not dates/time stamps usually on them so we can't accept them.
    Apparently you sent me a PM inquiring of this so I will address this more there.
  8. Diamond Store

    Diamond Store Steam Trade Ban

    I only was trade banned for two weeks, why steamrep put me TRADEBAN like perma?
  9. a Gentleman

    a Gentleman SteamRep Moderator Partner Community Donator - Tier V

    To clarify, SteamRep is not affiliated with Steam or Valve. The Trade Banned marker you see on your SteamRep profile simply reflects the status of your Steam account. If your Steam account no longer shows as trade banned two weeks later, your SteamRep profile will no longer reflect that the next time it is loaded.
    ♪Mr.Dr.Prof.Dj♪ likes this.
  10. L3nny Pryda

    L3nny Pryda New User

    can I report a potentially market bot who sniped my 180$ ak for 1$ (i did a mistake), rejected friend request, rejected trade offers with lower value than my item with me explaining what happened in the trade discription, and also none of his steam friends recognize him, no pfp, his friends say he hasnt been online on steam since a month while he rejected my offer few days ago... and lot of shady stuff about him
  11. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Not without context we don't take the report and valve gives you multiple chances to decline offers given. Blindly or making a mistake on your part doesn't suggest foul play certainly not one from an uncontrolled trading bot.
  12. L3nny Pryda

    L3nny Pryda New User

    it wasnt a trade tho, just sold the wrong item on the market
  13. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    That is your fault though so no not a reportable thing here - contact that site/location for support.
  14. L3nny Pryda

    L3nny Pryda New User

    I'm not gonna report him for just that ofc, but he's just so fishy like I said, no pfp, game play shown, despite having 20k inv. none of his friends recognize him, one of them said he's botting, they all see him as offline for the last month despite him being active as well as rejecting my trade offer for lesser value explaining the situation few days ago

    also afaik market bots snipe such mistakes even b4 it hits the buy orders, so basicly -if he's actually market botting- he's exploiting the steam market, have an unfair advantage against real people who would have placed buy orders b4 him, and would be recognized by their friends... etc and in this case I think he's just might be one as everything about him leads to, so when I saw that you have "CAUTION" marking for "shady or fraudulent trading practices" that's why I posted if this is considered as such
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 16, 2021
  15. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Being "fishy" isn't a valid reason to make a report here neither is rejecting trade offers for another value. I'm afraid you do not have a valid reason to submit a report here nor do you have any required evidence for a valid reason.

    That is all something you need to address with steam/Valve if you know of someone exploiting something. You can report it to them so they can review the situation.
  16. L3nny Pryda

    L3nny Pryda New User

    already did. thx 4 ur time
  17. Lava

    Lava Public Relations SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    I'm sorry for your loss, but fishy or not, that's not something SteamRep fundamentally considers a scam. You listed your item for well below market value, someone quickly bought it, and you received the price you entered. If it weren't this particular individual, then someone else would quickly snatch it up instead, and if not that person, another buyer still. That it was probably a bot instead of a human is irrelevant. That's not fraud, theft, or an exploit, it's just how digital markets work.

    If there weren't enough warnings before your mistake, you're unhappy with the "all sales final" aspect of the market, or you think there should be a safety delay before your item gets listed in case of mistakes, then that's something to take up with Valve. As to the "exploit", it's not for me to definitively rule out (between you and Valve) but there are regional timing differences between when listings on the market appear from data center to data center. Bot owners who deal with the market are competing with eachother for speed, and when hosting their bots from always-on servers will pick data centers that have minimal latency when interacting with Valve's servers so they see market listings before other bots (by like 1-10 milliseconds). That also means they see it a split second before you can, and automatically buy it up before you could possibly click through and take it yourself.

    Yes, that automation and difference in latency does put human players at an unfair disadvantage (even if it's not an exploit), and yes it is something Valve prohibits, but it has also been an issue for years with no solution in sight. I think it would be nice if bots putting people at unfair disadvantages without adding any real benefit to the community went away, but like anything else in life we can't always get what we want. Usually Valve deals with things like this by making it less economical to run a bot, such as by adding buy-orders for commonly sold items that are functionally identical to one another. As to SteamRep's position, it's not our job to enforce Valve's ToS. If it weren't a bot, then with as many people looking at the market at any hour a human player would've quickly grabbed your item before you noticed instead. Also, if we banned them in our database despite our policies, it wouldn't stop these bots from interacting with the community market and snipping other "bargains".
  18. hendwik

    hendwik New User

    How can i report a known scammer thats been trade banned already and is now on a new account scamming thousands , as i tried to report a scam earlier today but it was declined because 1 im not a victim and 2 not enough evidence even doe its the same guy and i linked a previous post which showed evidence of them scamming.
  19. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    You are asking about reporting a suspected ALT account - we don't take reports accusing accounts of being that of other users tagged or not here.
    Things you have or think you have may or may not be accurate and we have certain methods we use to determine linking accounts.

    Please don't submit reports for others - you must be the victim if you submit a report here.
  20. hendwik

    hendwik New User

    Yes thats correct i wanted to report his new account as i know it is him since it has same names, same profile layout, same friends, groups and is also the admin of his group which i linked in the thread earlier. I just realised his profile is private so it would be hard to see all of that right now so the only things you can see is his name and that he is the admin of his steam group. It kinda sucks to see him scamming thousands and i cant do anything because im not one of his victims.