1. SteamRep is shutting down at the end of 2024. See announcement.

Ask A SteamRep Staff Member

Discussion in 'SteamRep General Discussion' started by Xenophobia, Jan 14, 2013.

  1. WinnerOJD

    WinnerOJD Banned on SteamRep

    If I was banned for something I didn't do and my appeal was denied, what would be the next step to take?
  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
  3. WinnerOJD

    WinnerOJD Banned on SteamRep

    I'm not sure I understand, the first appeal I made wasn't even read properly. I appealed because I had no connections with the account I was accused of being an "Alt" of, and it was made invalid because apparently I need to appeal from THE ACCOUNT WAS ACCUSED OF BEING. Can you please tell me how I'm supposed to do that when I don't own the account?
  4. Kraken™

    Kraken™ New User

    Hi a report against me is showing as Declined. This report had inconclusive evidence. Why does a declined report stay visible? this affects peoples trades, community respect and more.
    Please respond.
  5. Roudydogg1

    Roudydogg1 SteamRep Admin Friend Community

    SteamRep Admin:
    By policy, we don't delete scam reports (or replies in said reports), at all. Even if they're rejected. A few exceptions to this are made for spam, malware links, duplicate posts, personal info or "doxing", harassment, and flaming/spamming replies in reports, which you can address by reporting the post.

    Once a scam report has been submitted, it cannot be taken down by any means. Scam reports, even if rejected, are not deleted. This is partly for transparency reasons, and partly for it to remain public record permanently, for archival and accountability purposes. Again they're basically public records, which the community has a right to view when making an informed decision about whether or not to trade with people (even if the reports were rejected).
  6. CEOofSarge

    CEOofSarge New User

    Is there a way to see if I’ve been reported?
  7. a Gentleman

    a Gentleman Partner Community Donator - Tier V

    @CEOofSarge You can view all pending and accepted reports made against you by visiting your own SteamRep profile, here. To visit this page in the future, you can navigate to steamrep.com and paste your Steam ID64 into the search bar. If you are interested in seeing if there are any archived or rejected reports made against you in the past, you can visit SteamRep Forums (here) and paste your ID64 into the search bar at the top right of the forum website.
  8. CEOofSarge

    CEOofSarge New User

  9. GreenElephant

    GreenElephant New User

  10. Roudydogg1

    Roudydogg1 SteamRep Admin Friend Community

    SteamRep Admin:
  11. GreenElephant

    GreenElephant New User

    ty! about PayPal chargeback scam: since I am not affiliated with ebay or online stores, the sender of money does not have a chargeback option. independent transactions are not considered for refunds. right? or is it better to switch to other payment systems? (alternatives to paypal or bank cards) can there be the same or a different way to scam?
  12. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    We won't recommend any source like that for trading since it is against Valve's Terms of Service and well none of them are all completely safe.
    Highly suggest you stick to 1v1 trading vs passing funds or using funds trading. Some sites offer a way to cash in items for a small fee which makes things much more secure and less risky. This even includes using the steam market that Valve themselves put up for just such a way.

    Hidden Content:
    **Hidden Content: Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of (usergroups: Administrative, Moderating).**
    Last edited: May 16, 2021
  13. GreenElephant

    GreenElephant New User

    thx! I'm looking for a safe way to trade my game keys for cash. thx to middleman it's possible, but looks like https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamGameSwap is the only one partner of u who still active. yesterday I asked the admins how can I be sure of the reliability of the MM. unless check MM for steamrep. there was no answer yet.
  14. xiexin600

    xiexin600 New User

    Call me salty or call me a Karen (I'm a dude, but, whatever). Maybe I'm just letting off steam, or maybe I'm just whining. Probably both.

    Just by looking at all the declined reports, and all the screenshots, though some of them are bogus and not useful to the report, I can already tell at least half of them were actual victims of scammers. Yet, y'all just slapped a "not enough evidence" or a "this isn't the type of screenshot we asked for" and declined it, as I shake my head most of the time. It actually makes me wonder whose side you guys are on. But then again, the law isn't built on logic or empathy. This isn't sarcasm, it's the truth. But I do wonder if exceptions could've been made to help new traders.

    Scamming's rampant on steam. And I guess there really is no way to tell who you can trust (at least not here). People who get scammed just get called out for being stupid, well, in an indirect way (I've seen admins do it in declined reports, do you need full-screened screenshots that qualifies as evidence, admins?). It must be nice to play judge, jury, and executioner. Call this an insult on the admins or the moderators if you must, I've got a clear conscience. I wonder how many can say the same.

    So I guess I just wanna know, how many scammers you guys think y'all let go and how does it feel?
  15. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    We do have requirements for evidence - there is no way of getting around that requirement. If you do not have what is required we will not review the report. Someone could report you tomorrow for something and swear up and down you were scamming them, scammed them, doing something bad and posted photos of random screenshots but wasn't at all what we require I'm sure you would be upset because now the report is there and it isn't going anywhere but declined for lacking proper evidence.
    The links are provided to explain what is required BEFORE you submit and are also again given to you before you click the submit a report button - it isn't our fault if they are not reviewed prior to any of that. We can only review what we have and our requirements are strict for various reasons to ensure we do not tag someone that is/may be innocent.

    Lastly making this post is against General Forum FAQ as its no different than making a thread of its own in that section to argue the outcome of your report. You are welcome to question policy but you are clearly arguing the outcome of your report with that please do not do that.

    And just so they are provided again here are our guides/policies and requirements for evidence along with what we do and do not review.
    Roudydogg1 likes this.
  16. MoonQueen3

    MoonQueen3 New User

    Just a few questions. The evidence needed seems to have changed over the years, meaning the evidence in a lot of bans wouldn't be acceptable nowadays. For those types of cases, shouldn't that be taken into account in someone's appeal? I understand y'all have secret forms of getting info, but from an outside perspective, it looks like those people should have some sort of way to appeal that.

    Another thing, if a victim is later found to be a scammer themselves, shouldn't that be taken into account if the evidence is shaky on the accused?

    Just some thoughts. Y'all probably heard them before, but I'd love to hear what y'all think.
  17. a Gentleman

    a Gentleman Partner Community Donator - Tier V

    An important thing to remember is that SteamRep isn't out to punish anyone. It's simply a database that users can reference before conducting a trade. Adding onto @Horse 's reply regarding our evidence, please keep in mind that even declined and archived reports are still publicly viewable. When you want to look into a anyone's report history, you just have to copy paste the user's ID64 into the SteamRep forum search bar. This will show all reports of any status (accepted, archived, etc.) and then you can then use the information presented to make your own judgement about whether to trade with the user in question.

    However, your post has made me think about the barrier-to-entry and ease of access of the reports section to the average end user. I share your concerns about the number of reports that are rejected due to evidence that can't be accepted. Perhaps users can be encouraged to do more due diligence for themselves by including a button that directs to a user's ID64 forum search on SteamRep profiles. There is a search function on SR profiles at the moment, but it isn't featured prominently enough. Will bring it up internally.

    As Horse noted, please do not use General Discussion/Ask Staff as a medium to brigade/challenge report decisions. Users are given clearly established report guidelines and evidence standards in order to maintain the highest possible certainty for accepted reports.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2021
  18. a Gentleman

    a Gentleman Partner Community Donator - Tier V

    We have processes in place to ensure that policy changes that rollback a taggable offence are appealable. For example, when the Trading with Scammers Policy reached its end of life, all tags issued for trading with scammers could be retroactively appealed, with the one exception being users who broker/partner with scammers. Another example would be how SteamRep no longer accepts reports for phishing/hijacking attempts, with updated instructions for how to appeal these tags. Certain provisions were also put into place regarding defunct community tags. If you believe that there is some oversight regarding a policy change, feel free to bring it up in General Discussion, so long as you do not reference any specific cases.

    There are many cases where tagged users have successfully reported other users for scamming on SteamRep. All evidence is held to the same high level of scrutiny, whether the reporting user is tagged or not.
    MoonQueen3 likes this.
  19. MoonQueen3

    MoonQueen3 New User

    Thank you for the in-depth answers! I don't question your judgment, I was just curious how y'all adapt to new rules. I am just a lurker and sometimes look at appeals so I was just curious tbh. Thanks!
    a Gentleman and Roudydogg1 like this.
  20. aimless

    aimless Banned on SteamRep

    I am currently marked as a scammer because 8 years ago, I changed my name to match AcesGamer's, and I got automatically flagged for "impersonation." Even Aces himself admitted in my original appeal thread that there was clearly no attempt to scam on my part. It was just a joke and I was an edgy 15 year old who wanted to poke fun at his videos.

    Now, 8 years later, casual is flooded with bots, and half of the community servers don't allow SR marked scammers. I recently submitted another appeal and was instantly rejected because 8 YEARS AGO I forgot to include one of my throaway alt accounts that my friends and I made.

    I just want to play the game without bots. Is there anything I can do?